


  • 預約餐廳:
    • "Hello, I'd like to make a reservation for [number] people on [date] at [time]."(您好,我想在 [日期] 的 [時間] 預約 [人數] 的位子。)
    • "Do you have any tables available on [date] evening?"([日期] 晚上還有空位嗎?)
  • 抵達餐廳:
    • "Hello, I have a reservation for [number] people under the name [your name]."(您好,我預約了 [人數] 位,訂位姓名是 [你的姓名]。)
    • "Excuse me, do you have any high chairs?"(不好意思,請問你們有嬰兒椅嗎?)
  • 點餐:
    • "Do you have any recommendations?"(你們有推薦的菜色嗎?)
    • "What's in the [dish name]?"([菜名] 裡面有哪些食材?)
  • 用餐中溝通:
    • "Can I have another glass of water?"(可以給我多一杯水嗎?)
    • "Excuse me, there's a problem with my food."(不好意思,我的餐點有些問題。)
  • 結帳離場:
    • "Can I have the bill, please?"(可以給我帳單嗎?)
    • "Could you please review the bill with me?"(可以請你跟我確認一下帳單嗎?)



1. 預約餐廳

1. 預約餐廳



  • "Hello, I'd like to make a reservation for [number] people on [date] at [time]."(您好,我想在 [日期] 的 [時間] 預約 [人數] 的位子。)
  • "Do you have any tables available on [date] evening?"([日期] 晚上還有空位嗎?)
  • "Can I reserve a table by the window?"(我可以預約靠窗的位子嗎?)
  • "What time is your last seating?"(你們最後的入座時間是幾點?)


  • "Dear [Restaurant Name],

I would like to make a reservation for [number] people on [date] at [time].

Please let me know if you have any availability on that day and time.

Thank you, [Your Name]"




  • 預約時請提供正確的姓名、電話號碼和電子郵件地址。
  • 如果預約人數較多,建議提前預訂。
  • 如果需要特殊座位安排(例如靠窗、安靜區域),請務必提前告知。


管道 優點 缺點
電話 即時確認預約 可能需等待接聽
電子郵件 可詳述預約需求 回覆時間較長
線上訂位平台 方便快速 可能有限制條件

2. 抵達餐廳

2. 抵達餐廳


  • 向服務生報到: "Hello, I have a reservation for [number] people under the name [your name]."(您好,我預約了 [人數] 位,訂位姓名是 [你的姓名]。)
  • 確認預約: 服務生會核對你的訂位資訊,並帶領你到你的座位。
  • 詢問特殊需求: 如果你有特殊需求(例如嬰兒椅、靠窗座位),可以此時提出。
  • 點餐前詢問: 如果你對菜單或餐廳有任何疑問,可以請服務生協助解答。


  • 服務生: "Welcome to [restaurant name]. Do you have a reservation?"(歡迎光臨 [餐廳名稱]。請問你有預約嗎?)
  • 顧客: "Yes, I have a reservation for [number] people under the name [your name]."(是的,我預約了 [人數] 位,訂位姓名是 [你的姓名]。)
  • 服務生: "Great. Please follow me to your table."(好的。請跟我來,帶你到你的座位。)
  • 顧客: "Excuse me, do you have any high chairs?"(不好意思,請問你們有嬰兒椅嗎?)
  • 服務生: "Yes, we do. I'll bring one over right away."(有的。我馬上幫你拿一個過來。)


步驟 英文例句
報到 Hello, I have a reservation for [number] people under the name [your name].
確認預約 Please follow me to your table.
詢問特殊需求 Do you have any high chairs?
點餐前詢問 Do you have any recommendations?

3. 點餐

3. 點餐


  • 詢問推薦: "Do you have any recommendations?"(你們有推薦的菜色嗎?)
  • 詢問菜色內容: "What's in the [dish name]?"([菜名] 裡面有哪些食材?)
  • 詢問料理方式: "How is the [dish name] prepared?"([菜名] 是怎麼料理的?)
  • 特殊飲食需求: "I have a [dietary restriction]. Do you have any dishes that meet my needs?"(我有 [飲食限制]。你們有符合我需求的菜色嗎?)
  • 點餐: "I'll have the [dish name]."(我要點 [菜名]。)


  • 顧客: "I'm ready to order."(我要點餐了。)
  • 服務生: "Great. What can I get for you?"(好的。請問要點什麼?)
  • 顧客: "I'll have the steak, medium-rare."(我要點牛排,五分熟。)
  • 服務生: "And what sides would you like with that?"(要搭配什麼配菜呢?)
  • 顧客: "I'll have the mashed potatoes and asparagus."(我要馬鈴薯泥和蘆筍。)
  • 顧客: "I'm allergic to nuts. Do you have any desserts that are nut-free?"(我對堅果過敏。你們有提供不含堅果的甜點嗎?)


步驟 英文例句
詢問推薦 Do you have any recommendations?
詢問菜色內容 What's in the [dish name]?
詢問料理方式 How is the [dish name] prepared?
特殊飲食需求 I have a [dietary restriction]. Do you have any dishes that meet my needs?
點餐 I'll have the [dish name].

4. 用餐中溝通

4. 用餐中溝通


  • 詢問額外餐具: "Can I have another fork?"(可以給我多一個叉子嗎?)
  • 詢問額外醬料: "Can I have some more [sauce name]?"(可以給我多一點 [醬料名稱] 嗎?)
  • 詢問餐點進度: "How long until our food will be ready?"(我們的餐點還要多久會好?)
  • 反應餐點問題: "Excuse me, there's a problem with my food."(不好意思,我的餐點有些問題。)
  • 請服務生收拾餐具: "Can you clear the table?"(可以幫我收拾餐具嗎?)


  • 顧客: "Excuse me, can I have another glass of water?"(不好意思,可以給我多一杯水嗎?)
  • 服務生: "Sure, I'll bring it right over."(好的,我馬上送來。)
  • 顧客: "How long until our pizza will be ready?"(我們的披薩還要多久會好?)
  • 服務生: "It should be out in about 10 minutes."(大約 10 分鐘後會出餐。)
  • 顧客: "Excuse me, my steak is overcooked."(不好意思,我的牛排過熟了。)
  • 服務生: "I'm sorry to hear that. I'll have the chef take a look."(很抱歉。我會請廚師過來查看。)


步驟 英文例句
詢問額外餐具 Can I have another fork?
詢問額外醬料 Can I have some more [sauce name]?
詢問餐點進度 How long until our food will be ready?
反應餐點問題 Excuse me, there's a problem with my food.
請服務生收拾餐具 Can you clear the table?

5. 結帳離場

5. 結帳離場


  • 詢問帳單: "Can I have the bill, please?"(可以給我帳單嗎?)
  • 確認帳單明細: "Could you please review the bill with me?"(可以請你跟我確認一下帳單嗎?)
  • 選擇付款方式: "I'd like to pay with [payment method]."(我想用 [付款方式] 付款。)
  • 詢問發票: "Can I have a receipt?"(可以給我收據嗎?)
  • 感謝服務: "Thank you for your service."(謝謝你的服務。)


  • 顧客: "Can I have the bill, please?"(可以給我帳單嗎?)
  • 服務生: "Sure, here you go."(好的,請收下。)
  • 顧客: "Could you please review the bill with me?"(可以請你跟我確認一下帳單嗎?)
  • 服務生: "Certainly. Let me go over each item."(當然。我逐項跟你確認。)
  • 顧客: "I'd like to pay with credit card."(我想用信用卡付款。)
  • 服務生: "I'll need to see your card and ID."(我需要核對你的信用卡和證件。)
  • 顧客: "Thank you for your service."(謝謝你的服務。)
  • 服務生: "You're welcome. Have a nice day."(不客氣。祝你今天愉快。)


步驟 英文例句
詢問帳單 Can I have the bill, please?
確認帳單明細 Could you please review the bill with me?
選擇付款方式 I'd like to pay with [payment method].
詢問發票 Can I have a receipt?
感謝服務 Thank you for your service.



  • 表達感謝:
    • "Thank you for your service."(謝謝你的服務。)
    • "The food was delicious."(餐點非常美味。)
  • 詢問建議:
    • "What do you recommend for a vegetarian?"(你們有推薦給素食者的菜色嗎?)
    • "What wine would you pair with this dish?"(你們會建議搭配這道菜的葡萄酒是什麼?)
  • 處理投訴:
    • "Excuse me, my steak is overcooked."(不好意思,我的牛排過熟了。)
    • "I'm not satisfied with the service we received."(我們收到的服務讓我們不滿意。)


下次你走進一家餐廳時, hãy自信地用英文點餐、詢問問題和結帳。享受美食的同時,也享受與服務生用英文溝通的樂趣吧!


1. 我不會說英文,可以在餐廳用餐嗎?

  • Yes, you can still dine at restaurants even if you don't speak English. However, it may be more challenging to communicate with the staff and order your food. You can try using a translation app or asking a friend or family member to help you.

2. 如何用英文預約餐廳?

  • You can make a reservation by calling the restaurant directly or using an online reservation platform. Here are some useful phrases:
    • "Hello, I'd like to make a reservation for [number] people on [date] at [time]."
    • "Do you have any tables available on [date] evening?"

3. 我可以要求靠窗的座位嗎?

  • Yes, you can request a window seat when you make your reservation or when you arrive at the restaurant. Simply say:
    • "May I request a window seat, please?"

4. 如何詢問菜單上的菜色內容?

  • If you have any questions about the dishes on the menu, don't hesitate to ask your server. Here are some useful phrases:
    • "What's in the [dish name]?"
    • "How is the [dish name] prepared?"

5. 我對某種食物過敏,如何用英文告知服務生?

  • It's important to inform your server about any food allergies you have. Here's how you can do it:
    • "I have a [food allergy]. Do you have any dishes that are safe for me to eat?"

6. 如何用英文結帳?

  • When you're ready to pay, you can ask for the bill using this phrase:
    • "Can I have the bill, please?"
  • You can then choose your preferred payment method and provide your payment information.


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