只會 Agree / Disagree 嗎? 從生活到職場超實用表達贊同 / 反對 / 中立的 8 種英文說法

在日常生活中和職場上,我們經常需要表達自己的意見。除了單純的 "Agree"(同意)和 "Disagree"(不同意)之外,還有許多更委婉、禮貌且能明確表達立場的說法。學會這些表達方式可以幫助我們更有效地溝通,避免引起衝突或誤解。

例如,當我們同意某人的觀點時,可以用 "I agree with you."(我同意你的看法)或 "I couldn't agree with you more."(我完全同意你的看法)來表達。而當我們反對某個觀點時,可以用 "I see what you're saying, but I have a different opinion."(我了解你的說法,但我有不同的看法)或 "I'm not sure I agree with that."(我不確定我是否同意)來表達。



  1. 表達贊同的說法
  2. 表達反對的說法
  3. 表達中立的說法
  4. 用「我認為」表示意見
  5. 用「我了解」表示理解
  6. 用「我想」表示猜測


在日常生活中和職場上,表達自己的意見時除了單純的 "Agree" 和 "Disagree" 之外,還有許多更委婉、禮貌且能明確表達立場的說法。以下提供一些表達贊同的說法:

  • I agree with you.(我同意你的看法。)
  • I couldn't agree with you more.(我完全同意你的看法。)
  • That's a good point.(這是一個好觀點。)
  • I see your point.(我了解你的觀點。)
  • You're right.(你說得對。)
  • I think you're on to something there.(我覺得你說得很有道理。)


表達贊同的說法 英文例句
我同意你的看法。 I agree with you.
我完全同意你的看法。 I couldn't agree with you more.
這是一個好觀點。 That's a good point.
我了解你的觀點。 I see your point.
你說得對。 You're right.
我覺得你說得很有道理。 I think you're on to something there.


在表達反對意見時,除了直接說 "Disagree" 之外,也可以使用一些委婉的說法,既能清楚表達自己的立場,又不至於引起衝突。以下提供一些表達反對的說法:

  • I see what you're saying, but I have a different opinion.(我了解你的說法,但我有不同的看法。)
  • I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it.(我尊重你的意見,但我不同意。)
  • I'm not sure I agree with that.(我不確定我是否同意。)
  • I think there may be another way to look at this.(我覺得可能有另一種看待這件事的方法。)
  • I have some concerns about that idea.(我對那個想法有一些疑慮。)
  • I'm not convinced that's the best solution.(我並不認為那是最好的解決方案。)


表達反對的說法 英文例句
我了解你的說法,但我有不同的看法。 I see what you're saying, but I have a different opinion.
我尊重你的意見,但我不同意。 I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it.
我不確定我是否同意。 I'm not sure I agree with that.
我覺得可能有另一種看待這件事的方法。 I think there may be another way to look at this.
我對那個想法有一些疑慮。 I have some concerns about that idea.
我並不認為那是最好的解決方案。 I'm not convinced that's the best solution.



  • I understand both sides of the argument.(我理解雙方的論點。)
  • I can see where you're coming from.(我理解你的觀點。)
  • I think there are valid points on both sides.(我覺得雙方都有合理的論點。)
  • I'm not sure what to think about that.(我不確定該怎麼看待這件事。)
  • I'm open to hearing more about it.(我很樂意聽聽更多關於這件事的看法。)
  • I'll have to think about it more before I form an opinion.(我需要再思考看看才能形成意見。)


表達中立的說法 英文例句
我理解雙方的論點。 I understand both sides of the argument.
我理解你的觀點。 I can see where you're coming from.
我覺得雙方都有合理的論點。 I think there are valid points on both sides.
我不確定該怎麼看待這件事。 I'm not sure what to think about that.
我很樂意聽聽更多關於這件事的看法。 I'm open to hearing more about it.
我需要再思考看看才能形成意見。 I'll have to think about it more before I form an opinion.



  • I think that...(我認為...)
  • In my opinion...(在我看來...)
  • My personal belief is that...(我個人的看法是...)
  • I would argue that...(我會主張...)
  • It seems to me that...(在我看來...)
  • I'm inclined to believe that...(我傾向於相信...)


用「我認為」表示意見的說法 英文例句
我認為... I think that...
在我看來... In my opinion...
我個人的看法是... My personal belief is that...
我會主張... I would argue that...
在我看來... It seems to me that...
我傾向於相信... I'm inclined to believe that...



  • I understand what you're saying.(我理解你的意思。)
  • I see your point.(我了解你的觀點。)
  • I can see where you're coming from.(我理解你的想法。)
  • I appreciate your perspective.(我欣賞你的觀點。)
  • I can relate to that.(我能理解你的感受。)
  • I've been in a similar situation before.(我曾經有過類似的經驗。)


用「我了解」表示理解的說法 英文例句
我理解你的意思。 I understand what you're saying.
我了解你的觀點。 I see your point.
我理解你的想法。 I can see where you're coming from.
我欣賞你的觀點。 I appreciate your perspective.
我能理解你的感受。 I can relate to that.
我曾經有過類似的經驗。 I've been in a similar situation before.



  • I think that...(我想...)
  • I believe that...(我相信...)
  • It seems to me that...(在我看來...)
  • I would guess that...(我猜...)
  • I suspect that...(我懷疑...)
  • I'm not sure, but I think...(我不確定,但我想...)


用「我想」表示猜測的說法 英文例句
我想... I think that...
我相信... I believe that...
在我看來... It seems to me that...
我猜... I would guess that...
我懷疑... I suspect that...
我不確定,但我想... I'm not sure, but I think...


在與人溝通時,表達自己的意見非常重要。除了單純的 "Agree"(同意)和 "Disagree"(不同意)之外,還有許多更委婉、禮貌且能明確表達立場的說法。


例如,當我們同意某人的觀點時,可以用 "I agree with you."(我同意你的看法)或 "I couldn't agree with you more."(我完全同意你的看法)來表達。而當我們反對某個觀點時,可以用 "I see what you're saying, but I have a different opinion."(我了解你的說法,但我有不同的看法)或 "I'm not sure I agree with that."(我不確定我是否同意)來表達。



  1. 如何表達贊同的意見?

    • I agree with you.(我同意你的看法。)
    • I couldn't agree with you more.(我完全同意你的看法。)
    • That's a good point.(這是一個好觀點。)
    • I see your point.(我了解你的觀點。)
  2. 如何表達反對的意見?

    • I see what you're saying, but I have a different opinion.(我了解你的說法,但我有不同的看法。)
    • I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it.(我尊重你的意見,但我不同意。)
    • I'm not sure I agree with that.(我不確定我是否同意。)
    • I think there may be another way to look at this.(我覺得可能有另一種看待這件事的方法。)
  3. 如何表達中立的意見?

    • I understand both sides of the argument.(我理解雙方的論點。)
    • I can see where you're coming from.(我理解你的觀點。)
    • I think there are valid points on both sides.(我覺得雙方都有合理的論點。)
    • I'm not sure what to think about that.(我不確定該怎麼看待這件事。)
  4. 除了 Agree 和 Disagree 之外,還有哪些表達意見的方式?

    • 用「我認為」表示意見:I think that...(我認為...)
    • 用「我了解」表示理解:I understand what you're saying.(我理解你的意思。)
    • 用「我想」表示猜測:I think that...(我想...)


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