市面上有許多不同的英語教學認證,每種認證都有其獨特的優點和適用範圍。本文將介紹五種最受歡迎的英語教學認證:TESL、TEFL、TESOL、CELTA 和 TKT。
- As an English teacher, it is essential to have a professional English teaching certification.
- A certification not only demonstrates your competence but also enhances your teaching skills and employability.
- There are many different English teaching certifications available, each with its own unique benefits and areas of focus.
TESL(Teaching English as a Second Language)和 TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)都是英文教學認證,但兩者之間有些許不同。
TESL 主要針對在以英語為第二語言的國家(例如美國、加拿大)教授英語的教師,而 TEFL 則針對在以英語為外語的國家(例如台灣、日本)教授英語的教師。
因此,TESL 的課程內容較強調美國或加拿大的英語教學法和文化,而 TEFL 則更著重於不同國家和文化的英語教學方法。
特徵 | TESL | TEFL |
目標學生 | 以英語為第二語言的學生 | 以英語為外語的學生 |
教學地點 | 以英語為第二語言的國家 | 以英語為外語的國家 |
課程內容 | 美國或加拿大的英語教學法和文化 | 不同國家和文化的英語教學方法 |
- TESL teachers typically work in countries where English is the second language, such as the United States or Canada.
- TEFL teachers typically work in countries where English is a foreign language, such as Taiwan or Japan.
TESOL 的定義與特色
TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)是一種英文教學認證,專門針對教授英語給非母語人士的教師。與 TESL 和 TEFL 相比,TESOL 的適用範圍更廣,涵蓋了所有英語教學情境,不論學生是否身處以英語為母語、第二語言或外語的國家。
TESOL 課程內容通常包括英語教學法、語言學、文化研究和評量等面向。TESOL 教師需要具備扎實的英語語言能力,並了解不同的英語學習者需求和學習風格。
- 適用於所有英語教學情境
- 強調語言學、文化研究和評量
- 培養教師因材施教的能力
- TESOL teachers are qualified to teach English to students from all over the world.
- TESOL courses cover a wide range of topics, including linguistics, cultural studies, and assessment.
- TESOL certification prepares teachers to meet the needs of diverse English learners.
特徵 | TESOL |
適用範圍 | 所有英語教學情境 |
課程內容 | 英語教學法、語言學、文化研究、評量 |
教師素養 | 扎實的英語語言能力,了解不同的英語學習者需求和學習風格 |
CELTA 認證的架構與評核
CELTA(Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults)是一種由劍橋大學考試院頒發的英語教學認證,專門針對教授英語給成人的教師。CELTA 課程通常為期一個月,內容涵蓋英語教學法、語言學、文化研究和評量等面向。
CELTA 認證的評核方式多元,包括:
- 教學實習:學員需要在實際的英語課堂中進行教學,並接受資深教師的指導和評核。
- 書面作業:學員需要完成一系列的書面作業,展現對英語教學法和語言學的理解。
- 口試:學員需要與資深教師進行口試,討論英語教學相關議題。
CELTA 課程分為四個模組:
- 模組 A:語言教學方法和資源
- 模組 B:語言技能:教學與學習
- 模組 C:語言分析與實務
- 模組 D:課堂管理與教學實務
- CELTA certification is recognized worldwide as a high-quality qualification for English language teachers.
- CELTA courses typically involve a combination of classroom instruction, teaching practice, and written assignments.
- CELTA assessment includes observed teaching practice, written assignments, and an oral interview.
評核方式 | 描述 |
教學實習 | 學員在實際課堂中進行教學,接受資深教師指導和評核 |
書面作業 | 學員完成一系列書面作業,展現對英語教學法和語言學的理解 |
口試 | 學員與資深教師進行口試,討論英語教學相關議題 |
TKT 模組化認證的價值
TKT(Teaching Knowledge Test)是由劍橋大學考試院頒發的一系列模組化英語教學知識認證。TKT 認證分為三個等級:
- TKT Core:基礎英語教學知識
- TKT Young Learners:教授英語給兒童的知識
- TKT CLIL:內容與語言整合式教學的知識
TKT 模組化認證的價值在於:
- 靈活性:教師可以根據自己的需求和興趣選擇要考取的模組。
- 專業發展:TKT 認證有助於教師提升英語教學知識和技能。
- 國際認可:TKT 認證受到全球許多英語教學機構的認可。
- TKT Core certification provides teachers with a solid foundation in English language teaching knowledge.
- TKT Young Learners certification is designed for teachers who specialize in teaching English to children.
- TKT CLIL certification prepares teachers to teach subjects through the medium of English.
優點 | 描述 |
靈活性 | 教師可以選擇要考取的模組 |
專業發展 | 有助於提升英語教學知識和技能 |
國際認可 | 受到全球許多英語教學機構的認可 |
- 教學目標:你是要教授英語給母語人士、第二語言學習者還是外語學習者?
- 教學地點:你是在以英語為母語、第二語言或外語的國家教學?
- 學生年齡:你是要教授成人還是兒童?
- 個人興趣:你對哪些英語教學領域特別感興趣?
考量因素 | TESL | TEFL | TESOL | CELTA | TKT |
教學目標 | 母語人士、第二語言學習者 | 外語學習者 | 所有英語學習者 | 成人 | 基礎知識、兒童、CLIL |
教學地點 | 第二語言國家 | 外語國家 | 所有國家 | 所有國家 | 所有國家 |
學生年齡 | 不限 | 不限 | 不限 | 成人 | 兒童、成人 |
個人興趣 | 美國/加拿大英語教學法 | 不同國家英語教學法 | 所有英語教學領域 | 英語教學法、語言學 | 英語教學知識 |
- If you are planning to teach English in a country where English is the second language, TESL certification may be a good option.
- If you are interested in teaching English to children, TKT Young Learners certification can provide you with specialized knowledge and skills.
- CELTA certification is a comprehensive qualification that prepares teachers to teach English to adults in any context.
TESL、TEFL、TESOL、CELTA 和 TKT 都是備受推崇的英語教學認證。每種認證都有其獨特的優點和適用範圍,因此在選擇認證時,請務必考慮你的教學目標、地點、學生年齡和個人興趣。
- TESL, TEFL, TESOL, CELTA, and TKT are all highly respected English teaching certifications.
- Each certification has its own unique strengths and areas of focus, so it is important to consider your teaching goals, location, student demographics, and personal interests when choosing a certification.
- Regardless of which certification you choose, having a professional English teaching certification can provide numerous benefits for your teaching career. It can demonstrate your competence, enhance your teaching skills, and increase your employability.
1. 哪種認證最適合我?
Which certification is best for me?
It depends on your teaching goals, location, student demographics, and personal interests. I recommend reading through this article carefully to learn about the strengths and focus areas of each certification.
2. 我需要具備哪些資格才能參加這些認證?
What qualifications do I need to take these certifications?
Most certifications require you to have some experience teaching English or a related degree. Please check the websites of the certification providers for more information.
3. 這些認證的費用是多少?
How much do these certifications cost?
The cost of certification varies depending on the type of certification, provider, and location. Please check the websites of the certification providers for more information.
4. 這些認證的有效期是多久?
How long are these certifications valid for?
Most certifications are valid for several years and then need to be renewed. Please check the websites of the certification providers for more information.
5. 我可以在哪裡找到這些認證課程?
Where can I find courses for these certifications?
Many colleges, universities, and language schools offer courses for these certifications. You can also find courses online.