本指南旨在為你提供必要的知識和工具,以提升你的職場英文溝通能力。我們將探討 20 個必背的商業英文單字,涵蓋常見的商業情境和概念。我們還將介紹 6 大常見的職場英文會話,พร้อม提供範例對話,讓你能夠在各種場合自信地表達自己。
掌握職場英文片語對於簡潔有力地表達想法和提升溝通效率至關重要。我們整理了 20 個常用的職場英文片語,涵蓋各種商業情境,讓你能夠流暢地參與會議、撰寫專業郵件和與同事有效溝通。
1. 必備商業英文單字
1. 必備商業英文單字
在瞬息萬變的商業世界中,掌握適切的英文商用詞彙對於有效溝通和專業形象至關重要。以下是 20 個必背的商業英文單字,涵蓋常見的商業情境和概念:
單字 | 定義 | 用例 |
Acquisition | 收購 | The company announced its acquisition of a rival firm to expand its market share. |
Benchmark | 基準 | We use industry benchmarks to set performance goals and measure our progress. |
Collaboration | 協作 | Effective collaboration among team members is crucial for project success. |
Competitor | 競爭對手 | We closely monitor our competitors' strategies to stay ahead in the market. |
Due diligence | 盡職調查 | Conducting thorough due diligence is essential before making a major investment decision. |
Forecast | 預測 | Our sales forecast indicates a steady growth in revenue for the upcoming quarter. |
Human resources | 人力資源 | The human resources department is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and managing employees. |
Leverage | 槓桿 | The company leverages its strong brand reputation to attract top talent. |
Milestone | 里程碑 | Reaching key milestones is essential for staying on track and meeting project deadlines. |
Negotiation | 協商 | Successful negotiations require preparation, communication skills, and a willingness to compromise. |
Partnership | 夥伴關係 | We formed a strategic partnership with another company to expand our product offerings. |
Performance | 表現 | The employee's performance exceeded expectations, resulting in a promotion. |
Profit margin | 利潤率 | The company's profit margin has improved significantly over the past year. |
Revenue | 收入 | The company's revenue has increased by 10% compared to the previous quarter. |
Risk assessment | 風險評估 | Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment is vital for identifying and mitigating potential threats. |
Stakeholder | 利害關係人 | The company's stakeholders include shareholders, employees, and customers. |
Supply chain | 供應鏈 | The company has a robust supply chain that ensures timely delivery of products to its customers. |
Target market | 目標市場 | The company identified a specific target market for its new product launch. |
Turnover | 流動率 | The company has a low employee turnover rate, indicating a high level of job satisfaction. |
2. 常見職場英文會話
2. 常見職場英文會話
流利的職場英文會話對於建立專業關係、清晰表達想法和促進團隊合作至關重要。以下整理了 6 個常見的職場英文會話情境,พร้อม附上對應的範例對話:
情境 | 範例對話 |
自我介紹 | "Hello, my name is [你的名字]. I'm a [你的職位] at [你的公司]." |
寒暄 | "Good morning/afternoon, [對方的名字]. How are you doing today?" |
詢問問題 | "Could you please clarify what you mean by [問題]?" |
表達意見 | "I would like to share my thoughts on this topic. I believe that [你的意見]..." |
提出請求 | "Would you be able to send me the資料 by the end of the day?" |
安排會議 | "I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss [會議主題]. Are you available on [日期] at [時間]?" |
- 報告進度: "I'm happy to report that the project is on track and we expect to meet the deadline."
- 尋求協助: "I'm facing a bit of a challenge with this task. Would you be able to provide some guidance?"
- 表達感謝: "Thank you for your support and guidance. I appreciate your help."
- 道歉: "I apologize for the inconvenience. I will do my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible."
- 祝賀他人: "Congratulations on your promotion! I wish you all the best in your new role."
3. 職場英文片語
3. 職場英文片語
職場英文片語對於簡潔有力地表達想法和提升溝通效率至關重要。以下整理了 20 個常見的職場英文片語,涵蓋各種商業情境:
片語 | 定義 | 用例 |
Call a meeting | 召開會議 | I need to call a meeting to discuss the project plan. |
Brainstorm ideas | 集思廣益 | Let's brainstorm ideas for the new marketing campaign. |
Close a deal | 達成協議 | The sales team closed a major deal with a new client. |
Conduct a survey | 進行調查 | We conducted a survey to gather feedback from our customers. |
Delegate tasks | 委派任務 | I delegated tasks to my team members based on their strengths. |
Evaluate performance | 評估表現 | The manager evaluated the performance of his team members. |
Follow up on a request | 追蹤請求 | I followed up on my request for the project資料. |
Generate a report | 製作報告 | The analyst generated a report on the company's financial performance. |
Hold a conference call | 舉行電話會議 | We held a conference call with our overseas partners. |
Identify a solution | 找出解決方案 | The team identified a solution to the problem. |
Implement a strategy | 執行策略 | The company implemented a new marketing strategy to increase brand awareness. |
Manage a project | 管理專案 | The project manager managed the project from start to finish. |
Negotiate a contract | 協商合約 | The lawyer negotiated a contract on behalf of his client. |
Prioritize tasks | 優先處理任務 | I prioritized tasks based on their importance and urgency. |
Provide feedback | 提供回饋 | The manager provided feedback to his team members on their performance. |
Reach a consensus | 達成共識 | The team reached a consensus on the best course of action. |
Set a deadline | 設定期限 | The manager set a deadline for the completion of the project. |
Track progress | 追蹤進度 | We tracked the progress of the project on a daily basis. |
Work independently | 獨立工作 | The employee is able to work independently and manage their own time effectively. |
掌握 20 個必背的商業英文單字將使你能夠理解和參與複雜的商業討論。運用 6 大常見的職場英文會話技巧,你將能夠自信地表達自己的想法、提出問題和建立人際關係。熟練使用職場英文片語將使你能夠簡潔有力地傳達訊息,並提升你的溝通效率。
- 定期閱讀商業英文文章和新聞:這將幫助你擴展你的詞彙量並了解當前的商業趨勢。
- 觀看英文商業影片和簡報:這將讓你接觸到地道的職場英文,並改善你的聽力和理解能力。
- 參與英文商業對話小組或線上社群:這將提供一個練習你的英文溝通技巧的機會,並獲得其他學習者的回饋。
- 尋求專業英文培訓或課程:這可以提供結構化的學習環境,並幫助你針對特定的溝通領域進行提升。
1. 我該如何有效地學習職場英文?
2. 哪些商業英文單字對職場溝通最重要?
答:必背的商業英文單字包括:acquisition(收購)、benchmark(基準)、collaboration(協作)、competitor(競爭對手)、due diligence(盡職調查)、forecast(預測)、human resources(人力資源)、leverage(槓桿)、milestone(里程碑)、negotiation(協商)、partnership(夥伴關係)、performance(表現)、profit margin(利潤率)、revenue(收入)、risk assessment(風險評估)、stakeholder(利害關係人)、supply chain(供應鏈)、target market(目標市場)、turnover(流動率)。
3. 在職場英文會話中,有哪些常見的禮貌用語?
答:常見的職場英文禮貌用語包括:Good morning/afternoon, [對方的名字](早安/午安,[對方的名字])、Could you please…?(可以請你…嗎?)、Would you be able to…?(你能…嗎?)、Thank you for your time(感謝你的時間)、I appreciate your help(感謝你的幫助)、I apologize for the inconvenience(對於造成的不便,我深感抱歉)。
4. 如何提升職場英文的聽力理解能力?
5. 在職場英文溝通中,有哪些需要注意的文化差異?