

我們將探討英文中最常見的 5 大句型,包括陳述句、疑問句、祈使句、感嘆句和祈使句。透過實用的英文例句和清晰的解釋,你將能夠輕鬆理解和使用這些基本句型。

我們將推薦 3 個優質的學英文網站,提供多元的學習素材和互動式課程。這些網站涵蓋不同程度的學習者,從初學者到進階使用者,並提供免費和付費的學習選項。



  • Learning the basics of English is essential for effective communication. 學習英文基礎對於有效溝通至關重要。
  • This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the five most common sentence structures in English. 本篇將為你提供英文中最常見的五種句型的全面概述。
  • By understanding and using these sentence structures, you will be able to express yourself clearly and confidently in English. 透過理解和使用這些句型,你將能夠以清晰且自信的方式用英文表達自己。
  • The recommended websites offer a wide range of learning materials, from interactive exercises to video lessons. 推薦的網站提供各種學習材料,從互動練習到影片課程。
  • Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, you will find valuable resources to support your English learning journey. 無論你是初學者還是進階學習者,你都將找到有價值的資源來支持你的英文學習之路。


1. 學好基礎英文:5大句型

1. 學好基礎英文:5大句型

掌握基礎句型是學好英文的基石。以下介紹 5 個最常見的英文句型,搭配例句說明:

1. 陳述句 (Declarative Sentence)

  • I love coffee. 我喜歡咖啡。
  • The weather is nice today. 今天天氣很好。

2. 疑問句 (Interrogative Sentence)

  • Where are you from? 你來自哪裡?
  • What is your favorite color? 你最喜歡的顏色是什麼?

3. 祈使句 (Imperative Sentence)

  • Please close the door. 請關上門。
  • Don't forget your keys. 別忘記你的鑰匙。

4. 感嘆句 (Exclamatory Sentence)

  • Wow, this cake is delicious! 哇,這個蛋糕好好吃!
  • I can't believe you did that! 我不敢相信你做了那件事!

5. 祈使句 (Optative Sentence)

  • I hope you have a wonderful day. 希望你度過美好的一天。
  • May you find happiness and success. 願你找到幸福和成功。


句型 特徵 例句
陳述句 陳述事實或意見 I love coffee.
疑問句 提出問題 Where are you from?
祈使句 表達請求或命令 Please close the door.
感嘆句 表達強烈的情緒 Wow, this cake is delicious!
祈使句 表達希望或祝福 I hope you have a wonderful day.

2. 學英文網站推薦:3個好選擇

2. 學英文網站推薦:3個好選擇

2. 學英文網站推薦:3 個好選擇

善用網路資源可以大幅提升英文學習效率。以下推薦 3 個優質的學英文網站,提供多元的學習素材:

1. Duolingo

  • 免費且互動性高的語言學習平台。
  • 提供各種語言課程,包括英文、西班牙文、法文等。
  • 透過遊戲化設計,讓學習過程變得有趣。


  • I am learning English on Duolingo. 我在 Duolingo 上學習英文。
  • Duolingo is a great way to improve your English skills. Duolingo 是提升英文能力的好方法。

2. British Council LearnEnglish

  • 由英國文化協會提供的免費英文學習資源。
  • 提供各種互動式課程、文法練習和影片。
  • 涵蓋不同程度的學習者,從初學者到進階使用者。


  • I am using British Council LearnEnglish to improve my grammar. 我使用 British Council LearnEnglish 來提升我的文法。
  • British Council LearnEnglish has a lot of helpful resources for English learners. British Council LearnEnglish 為英文學習者提供了許多有用的資源。

3. Coursera

  • 提供各種線上課程,包括語言學習課程。
  • 與頂尖大學和機構合作,提供高品質的課程。
  • 許多課程提供認證,有助於證明你的英文能力。


  • I am taking an English course on Coursera. 我在 Coursera 上修習英文課程。
  • Coursera offers a wide range of English courses for all levels. Coursera 為所有程度的學生提供各種英文課程。


網站 特色 範例
Duolingo 免費、互動式、遊戲化 我在 Duolingo 上學習英文。
British Council LearnEnglish 免費、互動式、涵蓋不同程度 我使用 British Council LearnEnglish 來提升我的文法。
Coursera 線上課程、與頂尖機構合作、提供認證 我在 Coursera 上修習英文課程。



回顧一下,我們探討了英文中最常見的 5 大句型:陳述句、疑問句、祈使句、感嘆句和祈使句。這些句型為你提供了表達思想、提問、發出請求和表達情緒的基本架構。

我們還推薦了 3 個優質的學英文網站:Duolingo、British Council LearnEnglish 和 Coursera。這些網站提供互動式課程、文法練習和影片等多元的學習素材。無論你是初學者還是想提升英文能力,這些網站都能為你提供支持和指導。



  • By mastering the five sentence structures, you have laid a solid foundation for your English communication skills. 透過掌握這五種句型,你已經為你的英文溝通能力奠定了堅實的基礎。
  • The recommended websites provide you with a wealth of resources to support your ongoing English learning journey. 推薦的網站為你提供了豐富的資源,以支持你持續的英文學習之路。
  • Remember, consistency and perseverance are key to achieving your English learning goals. 請記住,持續性和毅力是達成你的英文學習目標的關鍵。
  • With dedication and the right resources, you can unlock your English potential and communicate effectively in a globalized world. 透過奉獻和正確的資源,你可以發揮你的英文潛力,並在全球化的世界中有效溝通。


1. 學習英文的最佳方法是什麼? There is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning English. However, some effective methods include:

  • Immersing yourself in the language through movies, TV shows, and music.
  • Practicing speaking and listening with native speakers or language partners.
  • Using online resources like Duolingo and British Council LearnEnglish.

2. 我應該先學習文法還是先練習會話? It is generally recommended to start with learning basic grammar rules. This will provide you with a foundation for understanding how English sentences are structured. Once you have a grasp of the basics, you can start practicing speaking and listening to improve your fluency.

3. 如何克服害怕說英文的恐懼? Many people experience fear when speaking English. Here are some tips to overcome this:

  • Start by practicing with a friend or family member who is also learning English.
  • Join a language exchange group or take a class to practice speaking with others.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when learning a new language.

4. 我如何知道我的英文程度? There are several ways to assess your English proficiency. You can take a standardized test like the IELTS or TOEFL, or you can ask a qualified English teacher to evaluate your skills.

5. 我需要多長時間才能學好英文? The time it takes to learn English varies depending on factors such as your native language, your learning style, and the amount of time you dedicate to studying. However, with consistent effort, you can make significant progress in a few months.


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