
In today's globalized world, English proficiency has become increasingly essential for both personal and professional success. As one of the most widely recognized English language proficiency tests, the全民英檢 (General English Proficiency Test) is widely used in Taiwan and around the world to assess non-native English speakers' abilities.

The new全民英檢中級 (Intermediate) exam has been redesigned to align with the latest international standards and to better reflect the needs of learners in the 21st century. This comprehensive guide provides candidates with a thorough analysis of the new exam format, including its various题型 (question types), as well as effective攻略 (strategies) for achieving success on test day.

Through a combination of clear explanations,實戰模擬試題與解析 (practice questions with answer keys), and tips from experienced examiners, this guide empowers candidates to develop the skills and confidence necessary to excel in the new全民英檢中級 exam.

The Importance of the New全民英檢中級 Exam

The new全民英檢中級 exam is an important milestone for non-native English speakers who are looking to demonstrate their proficiency in the language. It is widely recognized by universities, employers, and government agencies as a reliable indicator of English language ability.

For individuals, achieving a high score on the全民英檢中級 exam can open doors to new opportunities in education and employment. It can also enhance their overall communication skills and boost their confidence in using English in both academic and professional settings.

For society as a whole, a large pool of English-proficient individuals is essential for driving economic growth, fostering international cooperation, and promoting cultural exchange. The全民英檢中級 exam plays a vital role in developing and maintaining this pool of talent.

How to Use This Guide

This guide is designed to be a valuable resource for candidates preparing for the new全民英檢中級 exam. It is recommended to use this guide in conjunction with the official全民英檢 website and other study materials.

Candidates should begin by familiarizing themselves with the overall exam format and the different题型 covered in each section. The攻略 provided for each题型 will help candidates develop effective strategies for answering questions accurately and efficiently.

The實戰模擬試題與解析 included in this guide provide an excellent opportunity for candidates to practice their skills and identify areas where they need improvement. By carefully reviewing the answer keys and explanations, candidates can gain valuable insights into the scoring criteria and the expectations of the examiners.

With consistent practice and a thorough understanding of the exam format and攻略, candidates can increase their chances of achieving their desired score on the new全民英檢中級 exam.


1. 新制「全民英檢中級題型」總覽

1. 新制「全民英檢中級題型」總覽



  • Part 1. 單字選擇題 (20 題)

    • 題目主要考查字彙、片語和慣用語的理解。
    • 例句:Which of the following words is closest in meaning to "diligent"? (A) lazy (B) hardworking (C) intelligent (D) creative
  • Part 2. 篇章結構題 (10 題)

    • 題目主要考查文章結構、段落大意和關鍵句的理解。
    • 例句:What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
  • Part 3. 篇章理解題 (10 題)

    • 題目主要考查文章整體含義、作者觀點和推論能力。
    • 例句:What is the author's purpose in writing this article?


  • Part 1. 簡短對話題 (10 題)

    • 題目主要考查日常對話和基本資訊的理解。
    • 例句:Where is the conversation taking place?
  • Part 2. 長篇對話題 (10 題)

    • 題目主要考查對話中的重點資訊和推論能力。
    • 例句:What is the man's main complaint?
  • Part 3. 獨白題 (10 題)

    • 題目主要考查演講或廣播中的重點資訊和整體含義。
    • 例句:What is the main topic of the lecture?


  • Part 1. 短文寫作 (150 字)

    • 題目要求考生針對特定主題撰寫一篇短文,內容包含至少三個段落。
  • Part 2. 回應式寫作 (100 字)

    • 題目要求考生針對特定情境或問題提出自己的觀點和理由。


  • Part 1. 互動式口說 (1 題)

    • 題目要求考生與考官互動,回答考官提出的問題。
  • Part 2. 獨白式口說 (2 題)

    • 題目要求考生針對特定主題或問題發表自己的看法和經驗。


題型 考試時間 題數
閱讀測驗 75 分鐘 40 題
聽力測驗 45 分鐘 30 題
寫作測驗 60 分鐘 2 題
口說測驗 12-15 分鐘 3 題

2. 閱讀測驗攻略

2. 閱讀測驗攻略


Part 1. 單字選擇題

  • 熟悉中級程度的字彙和片語。
  • 留意題目中的關鍵字和提示線索。
  • 仔細閱讀選項,找出與題目最接近的同義詞或相反詞。
  • 排除明顯錯誤或無關的選項。
  • 例句:The company's revenue has been steadily increasing over the past few years. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to "steadily"? (A) quickly (B) gradually (C) dramatically (D) slightly

Part 2. 篇章結構題

  • 快速瀏覽文章,找出文章結構和段落大意。
  • 留意標題、小標題和段落首句。
  • 找出文章的引言、主旨句和結論句。
  • 例句:What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

Part 3. 篇章理解題

  • 仔細閱讀文章,找出文章的整體含義和作者觀點。
  • 留意文章中的關鍵資訊和論點。
  • 找出支持作者論點的證據和例子。
  • 推論文章中未明確指出的資訊。
  • 例句:What is the author's purpose in writing this article?


  • 閱讀文章前先瀏覽題目,了解考試重點。
  • 仔細閱讀文章,並在重要資訊處做記號。
  • 遇到不確定的題目,先排除明顯錯誤的選項。
  • 充分利用文章中的提示線索,推論答案。
  • 時間分配得宜,避免在某一題目上花費過多時間。


題型 建議時間分配
Part 1. 單字選擇題 30-35 分鐘
Part 2. 篇章結構題 15-20 分鐘
Part 3. 篇章理解題 20-25 分鐘

3. 聽力測驗攻略

3. 聽力測驗攻略


Part 1. 簡短對話題

  • 專注於對話中的關鍵資訊,例如人物、地點和事件。
  • 留意對話中的轉折和語氣變化。
  • 推測對話中未明確指出的資訊。
  • 例句:Where is the conversation taking place?

Part 2. 長篇對話題

  • 掌握對話中的重點資訊和整體架構。
  • 留意對話中的不同觀點和意見。
  • 找出支持對話中論點的證據和例子。
  • 例句:What is the main complaint of the customer?

Part 3. 獨白題

  • 掌握獨白的整體含義和作者觀點。
  • 留意獨白中的重點資訊和論證結構。
  • 推論獨白中未明確指出的資訊。
  • 例句:What is the main topic of the lecture?


  • 聽力測驗前先瀏覽題目,了解考試重點。
  • 專注聆聽對話或獨白,並在重要資訊處做記號。
  • 遇到不確定的題目,先排除明顯錯誤的選項。
  • 利用語音提示和上下文線索,推論答案。
  • 時間分配得宜,避免在某一題目上花費過多時間。


題型 建議時間分配
Part 1. 簡短對話題 15-20 分鐘
Part 2. 長篇對話題 15-20 分鐘
Part 3. 獨白題 10-15 分鐘

4. 寫作測驗攻略

4. 寫作測驗攻略


Part 1. 短文寫作

  • 仔細閱讀題目,了解寫作要求和重點。
  • 規劃文章結構,包括引言、主旨句、段落大意和結論。
  • 使用適當的連接詞和過渡詞,讓文章流暢易讀。
  • 提供具體的例子和證據,支持自己的論點。
  • 例句:Write a short essay about the importance of education.

Part 2. 回應式寫作

  • 仔細閱讀題目,了解寫作情境和要求。
  • 表明自己的觀點,並提供充分的理由和證據。
  • 考慮不同的觀點,並提出反駁意見。
  • 使用適當的語氣和禮貌用語。
  • 例句:Do you agree or disagree with the statement that social media has a negative impact on society? Explain your reasons.


  • 寫作前先瀏覽題目,了解考試重點。
  • 規劃文章結構,並列出大綱。
  • 使用豐富的詞彙和多變的句型。
  • 檢查文章的文法、拼字和標點符號。
  • 時間分配得宜,避免在某一部分花費過多時間。


題型 建議時間分配
Part 1. 短文寫作 40-45 分鐘
Part 2. 回應式寫作 15-20 分鐘

5. 口說測驗攻略

5. 口說測驗攻略


Part 1. 互動式口說

  • 傾聽考官的問題,並理解問題的重點。
  • 清楚簡潔地回答問題,提供具體的資訊和例子。
  • 使用適當的語氣和禮貌用語。
  • 例句:What are your hobbies?

Part 2. 獨白式口說

  • 仔細閱讀題目卡,了解說話主題和時間限制。
  • 規劃你的演講,包括引言、主旨句、段落大意和結論。
  • 使用豐富的詞彙和多變的句型。
  • 保持語速適中,並適時加入停頓和語調變化。
  • 例句:Describe a time when you faced a challenge.


  • 口說測驗前先瀏覽題目卡,了解考試重點。
  • 準備一些常用片語和慣用語,以豐富你的口語表達。
  • 練習流暢的發音和清晰的語調。
  • 時間分配得宜,避免在某一部分花費過多時間。


題型 考試時間
Part 1. 互動式口說 約 2 分鐘
Part 2. 獨白式口說 約 3 分鐘

6. 實戰模擬試題與解析

6. 實戰模擬試題與解析




Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

The internet has revolutionized the way we access information. In the past, people had to rely on libraries, encyclopedias, and other printed materials to find information. Today, with just a few clicks, we can access a vast amount of information from all over the world.

Question 1:

Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

(A) The internet has made it easier to access information. (B) Libraries and encyclopedias are no longer necessary. (C) The internet has replaced all other sources of information. (D) The internet has made information more reliable.


The correct answer is (A). The passage emphasizes how the internet has transformed the way we access information, making it easier and more convenient.



Listen to the following conversation and answer the question that follows.


Man: I'm looking for a good restaurant nearby. Do you have any recommendations? Woman: There's a great Italian restaurant just down the street. It's called "La Trattoria." Man: Sounds good. What kind of food do they serve? Woman: They have a wide variety of dishes, including pasta, pizza, and seafood.


What type of food does "La Trattoria" serve?

(A) American (B) Italian (C) Chinese (D) Mexican


The correct answer is (B). In the conversation, the woman specifically mentions that "La Trattoria" is an Italian restaurant.



Write a short essay about the importance of education.


  • Discuss the benefits of education for individuals and society.
  • Explain how education can help people achieve their goals.
  • Provide specific examples to support your points.


A well-written essay should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The body paragraphs should provide specific examples and evidence to support the main points about the benefits of education.



Describe a time when you faced a challenge.


  • Describe the challenge you faced.
  • Explain how you overcame the challenge.
  • What did you learn from the experience?


A well-prepared speech should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The body paragraphs should provide specific details about the challenge and how it was overcome. The conclusion should summarize the key points and highlight what was learned from the experience.


The new全民英檢中級 exam presents candidates with both challenges and opportunities. By understanding the exam format, practicing different题型, and developing effective攻略, candidates can increase their chances of success and achieve their desired score.

This comprehensive guide provides a thorough analysis of the new exam, including detailed explanations of each题型, effective strategies for answering questions, and實戰模擬試題與解析 for practice. By utilizing the resources and guidance provided in this guide, candidates can develop the skills and confidence necessary to excel on test day.

Key Takeaways

  • The new全民英檢中級 exam is an important milestone for non-native English speakers.
  • A high score on the exam can open doors to new opportunities in education and employment.
  • Candidates should familiarize themselves with the exam format and the different题型 covered in each section.
  • Effective攻略 for each题型 can help candidates answer questions accurately and efficiently.
  • Practice is essential for success on the exam. Candidates should utilize實戰模擬試題與解析 to identify areas for improvement.

Tips for Success

  • Start preparing early and set realistic study goals.
  • Create a study schedule and stick to it.
  • Use a variety of study materials, including textbooks, online resources, and practice tests.
  • Focus on developing all four language skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
  • Seek feedback from teachers or tutors to identify areas where you need improvement.
  • Stay positive and motivated throughout your preparation.


With hard work, dedication, and the guidance provided in this comprehensive guide, candidates can achieve their desired score on the new全民英檢中級 exam and unlock new possibilities in their personal and professional lives.


1. What is the format of the new全民英檢中級 exam? The new全民英檢中級 exam consists of four sections: reading, listening, writing, and speaking. The reading and listening sections are further divided into three parts each, while the writing section has two parts and the speaking section has three parts.

2. How long is the exam? The total exam time is 150 minutes, divided as follows:

  • Reading: 75 minutes
  • Listening: 45 minutes
  • Writing: 60 minutes
  • Speaking: 12-15 minutes

3. What is the scoring system for the exam? The exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 100 points. To pass the exam, candidates must achieve a score of 60 or higher.

4. What is the difficulty level of the exam? The new全民英檢中級 exam is designed to be challenging but fair. It is appropriate for non-native English speakers who have a good command of English at the intermediate level.

5. How can I prepare for the exam? There are several ways to prepare for the全民英檢中級 exam, including:

  • Taking a preparatory course
  • Studying with a tutor
  • Using self-study materials, such as textbooks and online resources
  • Practicing with實戰模擬試題與解析

6. What are some tips for success on the exam?

Here are some tips for success on the全民英檢中級 exam:

  • Start preparing early and set realistic study goals.
  • Create a study schedule and stick to it.
  • Use a variety of study materials, including textbooks, online resources, and practice tests.
  • Focus on developing all four language skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
  • Seek feedback from teachers or tutors to identify areas where you need improvement.
  • Stay positive and motivated throughout your preparation.


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