


  • 報到

    旅客:May I have a ticket to New York, please?(請問我可以來一張飛往紐約的機票嗎?) 櫃檯人員:Sure, how many passengers?(好的,請問有幾位旅客?)

  • 行李

    旅客:I have two checked bags.(我有兩件托運行李。) 櫃檯人員:Please place them on the belt.(請將行李放在輸送带上。)

  • 機票

    旅客:I'd like to book a round-trip ticket to London.(我想預訂一張往返倫敦的機票。) 客服人員:What dates would you like to travel?(您想在哪些日期旅行?)

  • 轉機

    旅客:I have a connecting flight to Paris.(我有個轉機航班到巴黎。) 機場人員:Your connecting gate is B12.(您的轉機登機門是 B12。)



1. 報到(Check-in)

1. 報到(Check-in)

1. 報到 (Check-in)


  • 請給我一張前往 [目的地] 的機票。

    May I have a ticket to [destination], please?

  • 我的航班是 [航班號碼],飛往 [目的地]。

    My flight is [flight number] to [destination].

  • 我的行李有幾個件?

    How many pieces of luggage do I have?

  • 我的行李需要托運嗎?

    Do I need to check in my luggage?

  • 我想託運我的行李,請給我行李條。

    I'd like to check in my luggage, please give me a baggage tag.

  • 我的座位在哪裡?

    Where is my seat?

  • 請問貴賓室在哪裡?

    Where is the lounge, please?

  • 我需要換登機證。

    I need to exchange my boarding pass.

  • 我的航班延誤了嗎?

    Is my flight delayed?

  • 請問登機時間是什麼時候?

    What time is boarding?


單字 英文
報到櫃檯 Check-in counter
行李託運 Baggage check-in
登機證 Boarding pass
貴賓室 Lounge
登機時間 Boarding time


  • 報到時請準備好護照、機票和行李。
  • 提早抵達機場,以避免延誤。
  • 如果你有特殊需求(例如殘障人士或攜帶寵物),請務必提前告知航空公司。

2. 行李

2. 行李


  • 我的行李在哪裡?

    Where is my luggage?

  • 我的行李不見了。

    My luggage is missing.

  • 我的行李超重了。

    My luggage is overweight.

  • 我可以多一件托運行李嗎?

    Can I check in an extra bag?

  • 我想申報遺失行李。

    I want to report lost baggage.

  • 我的行李箱被損壞了。

    My suitcase is damaged.

  • 我的行李裡有易碎物品。

    I have fragile items in my luggage.

  • 我需要一個行李車。

    I need a luggage cart.

  • 請問行李寄存處在哪裡?

    Where is the baggage storage?

  • 我可以手提行李上飛機嗎?

    Can I take my carry-on luggage on the plane?


單字 英文
行李箱 Suitcase
托運行李 Checked baggage
手提行李 Carry-on luggage
行李超重 Overweight baggage
遺失行李 Lost baggage
行李損壞 Damaged baggage
易碎物品 Fragile items
行李車 Luggage cart
行李寄存處 Baggage storage


  • 託運行李時,請務必確認行李已上鎖且貼有行李條。
  • 貴重物品和易碎物品請隨身攜帶。
  • 手提行李的大小和重量通常有限制,請提前確認航空公司的規定。
  • 如果行李遺失或損壞,請立即向航空公司報告。

3. 機票

3. 機票


  • 我想要一張飛往 [目的地] 的機票。

    I would like a ticket to [destination].

  • 請問有直飛航班嗎?

    Are there any direct flights?

  • 我需要一張經濟艙機票。

    I need an economy class ticket.

  • 請問機票價格是多少?

    How much is the airfare?

  • 我想預訂一張機票。

    I want to book a flight.

  • 請問還有靠窗的座位嗎?

    Are there any window seats available?

  • 我想升級到商務艙。

    I would like to upgrade to business class.

  • 我可以更改我的航班嗎?

    Can I change my flight?

  • 我需要取消我的機票。

    I need to cancel my ticket.

  • 請問退票費是多少?

    How much is the cancellation fee?


單字 英文
機票 Air ticket
直飛航班 Direct flight
經濟艙 Economy class
商務艙 Business class
靠窗座位 Window seat
升級 Upgrade
更改航班 Change flight
取消機票 Cancel ticket
退票費 Cancellation fee


  • 購買機票時,請務必確認航班時間、目的地和票價。
  • 如果你有特殊需求(例如殘障人士或攜帶寵物),請務必提前告知航空公司。
  • 保留好機票電子郵件或紙本副本以供登機時使用。
  • 如果需要更改或取消機票,請盡快聯繫航空公司。

4. 轉機

4. 轉機


  • 我需要轉機到 [目的地]。

    I have a connecting flight to [destination].

  • 我的轉機時間有多長?

    How long is my layover?

  • 我的轉機登機門在哪裡?

    Where is my connecting gate?

  • 我需要領取我的行李並重新託運嗎?

    Do I need to collect my baggage and re-check it?

  • 請問轉機櫃檯在哪裡?

    Where is the transfer desk?

  • 我錯過了我的轉機航班。

    I missed my connecting flight.

  • 請問貴公司提供轉機服務嗎?

    Do you offer a transfer service?

  • 我的行李會自動轉移到下一班航班嗎?

    Will my baggage be transferred to my connecting flight automatically?

  • 請問機場內有休息室嗎?

    Are there any lounges in the airport?

  • 我可以免費升級到貴賓室嗎?

    Can I get a complimentary upgrade to the lounge?


單字 英文
轉機 Connecting flight
轉機時間 Layover
轉機登機門 Connecting gate
轉機櫃檯 Transfer desk
錯過航班 Missed flight
轉機服務 Transfer service
免費升級 Complimentary upgrade


  • 轉機時,請務必確認轉機登機門和轉機時間。
  • 如果你的轉機時間較長,可以考慮在機場內休息或參觀周邊景點。
  • 如果錯過了轉機航班,請立即聯繫航空公司。




  • 詢問方向

    旅客:Excuse me, where is the nearest restroom?(請問,最近的洗手間在哪裡?) 機場人員:It's on the second floor, next to the food court.(在二樓,美食廣場旁邊。)

  • 尋求協助

    旅客:I'm having trouble with my boarding pass.(我的登機證出了點問題。) 機場人員:Let me see if I can help.(讓我看看是否可以幫你解決。)

  • 表達感謝

    旅客:Thank you for your help.(謝謝你的幫助。) 機場人員:You're welcome. Have a pleasant flight.(不客氣。祝你旅途愉快。)




1. 我可以在機場購買機票嗎?

Yes, you can purchase a ticket at the airport ticket counter.

2. 我可以提前多久辦理報到手續?

Check-in times vary depending on the airline, but generally you can check in 24 hours before your flight.

3. 我可以攜帶多少件手提行李?

The number of carry-on bags allowed varies depending on the airline, but typically you are allowed one carry-on bag and one personal item.

4. 我的行李超重了,怎麼辦?

If your luggage is overweight, you may have to pay an overweight baggage fee.

5. 我可以在機場寄存行李嗎?

Yes, many airports offer luggage storage services for a fee.

6. 我錯過了我的航班,怎麼辦?

If you miss your flight, you should contact the airline immediately to rebook or cancel your ticket.

7. 我在轉機時需要領取行李嗎?

Whether or not you need to collect your baggage during a layover depends on your airline and the airport. It's best to check with your airline in advance.

8. 我可以在機場免費升級到商務艙嗎?

Complimentary upgrades to business class are rare, but it is possible if there are empty seats available and you have elite status with the airline.

9. 我可以在機場使用免費 Wi-Fi 嗎?

Many airports offer free Wi-Fi to passengers. Check with the airport or your airline for details.

10. 我在機場哪裡可以找到貴賓室?

Airport lounges are typically located in the departure area. You can access a lounge if you have a lounge membership, elite status with the airline, or by paying a fee.


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