搞懂英文「假設語氣」!一篇文法懶人包教你掌握 Subjunctive Mood!

假設語氣(Subjunctive Mood)是英語中一種重要的語法形式,用於表達與事實相反的假設、願望、建議或必要性。與陳述語氣不同,假設語氣表示說話者對事件或情況的主觀看法或態度。


  • 表達與事實相反的假設:
    • If I were a bird, I would fly away.(如果我是鳥,我一定會飛走。)
    • I wish I had a million dollars.(我希望我有 100 萬美元。)
  • 表達願望:
    • I hope that he be happy.(我希望他幸福。)
    • May you have a wonderful day.(願你度過美好的一天。)
  • 提出建議:
    • It is recommended that the government take action.(建議政府採取行動。)
    • I suggest that we go to the park.(我建議我們去公園。)
  • 表達必要性:
    • It is essential that the report be completed by Friday.(報告必須在週五前完成。)
    • It is important that he attend the meeting.(他出席會議很重要。)




1. 假設語氣是什麼?

1. 假設語氣是什麼?

假設語氣(Subjunctive Mood)是一種語法形式,用於表達與事實相反的假設、願望、建議或必要性。與陳述語氣不同,假設語氣表示說話者對事件或情況的主觀看法或態度。



  • 現在式假設語氣(Present Subjunctive):用於表達與現在事實相反的假設或願望。
  • 過去式假設語氣(Past Subjunctive):用於表達與過去事實相反的假設或願望,或表達對過去事件的遺憾。



  • 表達與事實相反的假設:
    • I wish I were a millionaire.(我希望我是個百萬富翁。)
    • If I had known, I would have come earlier.(如果我知道的話,我早就來了。)
  • 表達願望:
    • I hope that he be happy.(我希望他幸福。)
    • May you have a wonderful day.(願你度過美好的一天。)
  • 提出建議:
    • It is recommended that the government take action.(建議政府採取行動。)
    • I suggest that we go to the park.(我建議我們去公園。)
  • 表達必要性:
    • It is essential that the report be completed by Friday.(報告必須在週五前完成。)
    • It is important that he attend the meeting.(他出席會議很重要。)


類型 時態 用法
現在式假設語氣 現在式 表達與現在事實相反的假設或願望
過去式假設語氣 過去式 表達與過去事實相反的假設或願望,或表達對過去事件的遺憾

2. 假設語氣的種類

2. 假設語氣的種類


1. 現在式假設語氣(Present Subjunctive)

現在式假設語氣用於表達與現在事實相反的假設或願望。其形式與一般現在式相同,但主詞為第三人稱單數時,動詞不加 -s 或 -es。


  • If I were you, I would go to the party.(如果我是你,我會去參加派對。)
  • I wish she spoke English.(我希望她會說英語。)
  • It is important that he finish the project on time.(他必須按時完成這個專案。)

2. 過去式假設語氣(Past Subjunctive)

過去式假設語氣用於表達與過去事實相反的假設或願望,或表達對過去事件的遺憾。其形式與過去式相同,但主詞為第三人稱單數時,動詞使用 were。


  • If I had known about the party, I would have gone.(如果我知道派對,我一定會去。)
  • I wish I had studied harder for the test.(我希望我考試前有更努力用功。)
  • It is a pity that he lost the game.(很可惜他輸了比賽。)


類型 時態 用法
現在式假設語氣 現在式 表達與現在事實相反的假設或願望
過去式假設語氣 過去式 表達與過去事實相反的假設或願望,或表達對過去事件的遺憾

3. 假設語氣的用法

3. 假設語氣的用法


1. 表達與事實相反的假設

  • If I were a bird, I would fly away.(如果我是鳥,我一定會飛走。)
  • I wish I had a million dollars.(我希望我有 100 萬美元。)

2. 表達願望

  • I hope that he be happy.(我希望他幸福。)
  • May you have a wonderful day.(願你度過美好的一天。)

3. 提出建議

  • It is recommended that the government take action.(建議政府採取行動。)
  • I suggest that we go to the park.(我建議我們去公園。)

4. 表達必要性

  • It is essential that the report be completed by Friday.(報告必須在週五前完成。)
  • It is important that he attend the meeting.(他出席會議很重要。)

5. 在某些特定從句中

  • I am surprised that he can speak English so well.(我很驚訝他英文說得這麼好。)
  • It is unlikely that he will come to the party.(他不太可能來參加派對。)


用法 例句
表達與事實相反的假設 If I were a bird, I would fly away.
表達願望 I hope that he be happy.
提出建議 It is recommended that the government take action.
表達必要性 It is essential that the report be completed by Friday.
在某些特定從句中 I am surprised that he can speak English so well.

4. 例外情況

4. 例外情況


1. 使用 would 代替 were

當主詞是第一人稱或第二人稱時,表達與現在或未來事實相反的假設時,可以使用 would 代替 were。

  • If I would win the lottery, I would buy a new car.(如果我中了樂透,我會買一輛新車。)
  • If you would study harder, you would get better grades.(如果你更用功讀書,你的成績會更好。)

2. 使用 could/should/might 代替 can/should/may

在某些表達建議或可能性的句子中,可以使用 could、should 或 might 代替 can、should 或 may。

  • I suggest that we could go to the movies.(我建議我們可以去看電影。)
  • You should finish your homework before you go out.(你應該先把作業做完再出去玩。)
  • It is possible that he might come to the party.(他有可能會來參加派對。)

3. 在某些慣用語中


  • If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.(如果你一開始沒有成功,就再試一次。)
  • If the shoe fits, wear it.(如果鞋子合腳,就穿它。)


例外情況 例句
使用 would 代替 were If I would win the lottery, I would buy a new car.
使用 could/should/might 代替 can/should/may I suggest that we could go to the movies.
在某些慣用語中 If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.

5. 練習題

5. 練習題

練習 1:將以下句子改寫為假設語氣。

  • I am happy.
  • He can speak English.
  • It is important to study hard.
  • I hope she will come to the party.

練習 2:完成以下句子,使用正確的假設語氣動詞形式。

  • If I __ (be) a millionaire, I would travel around the world.
  • I wish I __ (have) more time to spend with my family.
  • It is recommended that the government __ (take) action to address climate change.
  • I suggest that we __ (go) to the park for a picnic.

練習 3:找出下列句子中使用假設語氣的動詞。

  • I am surprised that he can speak English so well.
  • I hope that you will have a wonderful day.
  • If I were you, I would go to the party.

練習 4:將以下句子改寫為使用 would 代替 were。

  • If I __ (be) taller, I would play basketball.
  • If you __ (be) more careful, you wouldn't make so many mistakes.

練習 5:將以下句子改寫為使用 could/should/might 代替 can/should/may。

  • I think you __ (can) finish the project by tomorrow.
  • You __ (should) study harder for the test.
  • It is possible that he __ (may) come to the party.


練習 1:

  • I wish I were happy.
  • I wish he could speak English.
  • It is important that I study hard.
  • I hope she will come to the party.

練習 2:

  • If I were a millionaire, I would travel around the world.
  • I wish I had more time to spend with my family.
  • It is recommended that the government take action to address climate change.
  • I suggest that we go to the park for a picnic.

練習 3:

  • can
  • will have
  • were

練習 4:

  • If I would be taller, I would play basketball.
  • If you would be more careful, you wouldn't make so many mistakes.

練習 5:

  • I think you could finish the project by tomorrow.
  • You should study harder for the test.
  • It is possible that he might come to the party.


假設語氣(Subjunctive Mood)是一種英語語法形式,用於表達與事實相反的假設、願望、建議或必要性。它與陳述語氣不同,陳述語氣表示客觀的事實,而假設語氣則表示說話者對事件或情況的主觀看法或態度。



需要注意的是,在某些情況下,即使句子表達了假設或願望,也不使用假設語氣。這些例外情況包括使用 would 代替 were、使用 could/should/might 代替 can/should/may,以及在某些慣用語中。


  • 表達與事實相反的假設:
    • If I were a bird, I would fly away.(如果我是鳥,我一定會飛走。)
    • I wish I had a million dollars.(我希望我有 100 萬美元。)
  • 表達願望:
    • I hope that he be happy.(我希望他幸福。)
    • May you have a wonderful day.(願你度過美好的一天。)
  • 提出建議:
    • It is recommended that the government take action.(建議政府採取行動。)
    • I suggest that we go to the park.(我建議我們去公園。)
  • 表達必要性:
    • It is essential that the report be completed by Friday.(報告必須在週五前完成。)
    • It is important that he attend the meeting.(他出席會議很重要。)



1. 什麼是假設語氣?

假設語氣(Subjunctive Mood)是一種英語語法形式,用於表達與事實相反的假設、願望、建議或必要性。

2. 假設語氣有哪些種類?


3. 假設語氣如何使用?


  • 表達與事實相反的假設
  • 表達願望
  • 提出建議
  • 表達必要性
  • 在某些特定從句中

4. 有哪些例外情況不使用假設語氣?


  • 使用 would 代替 were
  • 使用 could/should/might 代替 can/should/may
  • 在某些慣用語中

5. 以下句子中使用了哪一種假設語氣?

  • If I were a millionaire, I would travel around the world.


6. 將以下句子改寫為假設語氣:

  • I hope he will come to the party.

回答: I hope that he will come to the party.

7. 完成以下句子,使用正確的假設語氣動詞形式:

  • If I __ (be) taller, I would play basketball.

回答: If I were taller, I would play basketball.


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