


  • 直接翻譯中文詞彙:

    • 錯誤:I want to eat rice.
    • 正確:I want to eat a meal.
  • 使用不正確的同義詞:

    • 錯誤:I am very happy today.
    • 正確:I am very glad today.
  • 使用不正確的字詞:

    • 錯誤:I want to buy a new car, but it is too expensive.
    • 正確:I want to buy a new car, but it is too pricey.
  • 使用不正確的句型結構:

    • 錯誤:The book I bought it yesterday.
    • 正確:I bought the book yesterday.




  • 學習正確的英文詞彙和片語:使用字典或同義詞詞典,查找中文詞彙的正確英文對應詞。
  • 熟悉英文文法:學習不同的時態、語態、句型結構,並練習使用正確的文法。
  • 多閱讀英文文章:透過閱讀英文文章,可以接觸到不同的英語表達方式和句型結構。
  • 觀看英文電影或影集:透過觀看英文電影或影集,可以學習自然的英語對話和語調。
  • 與英語母語人士交流:與英語母語人士交談,可以獲得即時的回饋,並學習更道地的英語表達方式。



1. 誤用「Chinese式英文」的字彙

1. 誤用「Chinese式英文」的字彙


  • 中文:「開會」
  • 錯誤的英文:「open meeting」
  • 正確的英文:「hold a meeting」

  • 中文:「打電話」

  • 錯誤的英文:「hit phone」
  • 正確的英文:「make a phone call」

  • 中文:「看電影」

  • 錯誤的英文:「see movie」
  • 正確的英文:「watch a movie」

  • 中文:「吃飯」

  • 錯誤的英文:「eat rice」
  • 正確的英文:「have a meal」

  • 中文:「唱歌」

  • 錯誤的英文:「sing song」
  • 正確的英文:「sing a song」


中文 錯誤的英文 正確的英文
開會 open meeting hold a meeting
打電話 hit phone make a phone call
看電影 see movie watch a movie
吃飯 eat rice have a meal
唱歌 sing song sing a song

除了這些常見的錯誤外,還有許多其他「Chinese式英文」的字彙錯誤,例如將「學習」翻譯成「study book」、「方便」翻譯成「convenient」,這些錯誤都會讓英語母語人士感到困惑或產生誤解。因此,在使用英文時,應避免直接翻譯中文,而要熟悉正確的英文慣用語法和詞彙用法。

2. 錯誤使用文法時態

2. 錯誤使用文法時態

文法時態是英文中用來表示動作或事件發生時間的語法結構。台灣人常犯的英文錯誤之一就是錯誤使用文法時態,導致句子無法正確表達 intended meaningintended meaning。以下是常見的文法時態錯誤範例:

  • 現在簡單式(Present Simple):用於表示經常性或習慣性的動作。

    • 錯誤:I go to school everyday.
    • 正確:I go to school every day.
  • 現在進行式(Present Continuous):用於表示正在進行的動作。

    • 錯誤:I am studying now. I need to go to the library.
    • 正確:I am studying now, so I need to go to the library.
  • 過去簡單式(Past Simple):用於表示過去發生的完成動作。

    • 錯誤:Yesterday, I go to the park.
    • 正確:Yesterday, I went to the park.
  • 過去進行式(Past Continuous):用於表示過去正在進行的動作。

    • 錯誤:When I arrived, she is cooking dinner.
    • 正確:When I arrived, she was cooking dinner.
  • 現在完成式(Present Perfect):用於表示過去開始、現在仍持續的動作或狀態。

    • 錯誤:I have been studied English for 10 years.
    • 正確:I have studied English for 10 years.


時態 錯誤範例 正確範例
現在簡單式 I go to school everyday. I go to school every day.
現在進行式 I am studying now. I need to go to the library. I am studying now, so I need to go to the library.
過去簡單式 Yesterday, I go to the park. Yesterday, I went to the park.
過去進行式 When I arrived, she is cooking dinner. When I arrived, she was cooking dinner.
現在完成式 I have been studied English for 10 years. I have studied English for 10 years.


3. 使用不正確的冠詞

3. 使用不正確的冠詞


  • 定冠詞「the」:用於表示特定或已知的對象。

    • 錯誤:I am going to park.
    • 正確:I am going to the park.
  • 不定冠詞「a/an」:用於表示不特定的對象。

    • 錯誤:I need to buy a apple.
    • 正確:I need to buy an apple.
  • 省略冠詞:在某些情況下,名詞不需要冠詞。

    • 錯誤:I like eat apple.
    • 正確:I like to eat apples.


冠詞 錯誤範例 正確範例
定冠詞「the」 I am going to park. I am going to the park.
不定冠詞「a/an」 I need to buy a apple. I need to buy an apple.
省略冠詞 I like eat apple. I like to eat apples.


4. 無法運用正確的介系詞

4. 無法運用正確的介系詞


  • 介系詞「on」:表示物體位於較高的水平面上。

    • 錯誤:I put the book at the table.
    • 正確:I put the book on the table.
  • 介系詞「in」:表示物體位於物體內部或封閉空間中。

    • 錯誤:The cat is on the box.
    • 正確:The cat is in the box.
  • 介系詞「to」:表示移動或方向。

    • 錯誤:I go to school by bus.
    • 正確:I go to school by bus.
  • 介系詞「of」:表示所屬或關係。

    • 錯誤:This is the book John.
    • 正確:This is the book of John.
  • 介系詞「for」:表示目的或原因。

    • 錯誤:I study English to improve my job.
    • 正確:I study English for improving my job.


介系詞 錯誤範例 正確範例
介系詞「on」 I put the book at the table. I put the book on the table.
介系詞「in」 The cat is on the box. The cat is in the box.
介系詞「to」 I go to school by bus. I go to school by bus.
介系詞「of」 This is the book John. This is the book of John.
介系詞「for」 I study English to improve my job. I study English for improving my job.


5. 錯誤使用動詞時式

5. 錯誤使用動詞時式


  • 現在簡單式(Present Simple):用於表示經常性或習慣性的動作。

    • 錯誤:I go to school everyday.
    • 正確:I go to school every day.
  • 現在進行式(Present Continuous):用於表示正在進行的動作。

    • 錯誤:I am studying now. I need to go to the library.
    • 正確:I am studying now, so I need to go to the library.
  • 過去簡單式(Past Simple):用於表示過去發生的完成動作。

    • 錯誤:Yesterday, I go to the park.
    • 正確:Yesterday, I went to the park.
  • 過去進行式(Past Continuous):用於表示過去正在進行的動作。

    • 錯誤:When I arrived, she is cooking dinner.
    • 正確:When I arrived, she was cooking dinner.
  • 現在完成式(Present Perfect):用於表示過去開始、現在仍持續的動作或狀態。

    • 錯誤:I have been studied English for 10 years.
    • 正確:I have studied English for 10 years.


時態 錯誤範例 正確範例
現在簡單式 I go to school everyday. I go to school every day.
現在進行式 I am studying now. I need to go to the library. I am studying now, so I need to go to the library.
過去簡單式 Yesterday, I go to the park. Yesterday, I went to the park.
過去進行式 When I arrived, she is cooking dinner. When I arrived, she was cooking dinner.
現在完成式 I have been studied English for 10 years. I have studied English for 10 years.


6. 詞彙與用字的選擇錯誤

6. 詞彙與用字的選擇錯誤


  • 使用不正確的同義詞:

    • 錯誤:I am very happy today.
    • 正確:I am very glad today.
  • 使用不正確的字詞:

    • 錯誤:I want to buy a new car, but it is too expensive.
    • 正確:I want to buy a new car, but it is too pricey.
  • 使用不正確的片語:

    • 錯誤:I am going to take a test tomorrow.
    • 正確:I am going to take an exam tomorrow.
  • 使用不正確的慣用語:

    • 錯誤:It is raining cats and dogs.
    • 正確:It is raining heavily.
  • 使用不正確的俚語:

    • 錯誤:That's cool.
    • 正確:That's great.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I am very happy today. I am very glad today.
I want to buy a new car, but it is too expensive. I want to buy a new car, but it is too pricey.
I am going to take a test tomorrow. I am going to take an exam tomorrow.
It is raining cats and dogs. It is raining heavily.
That's cool. That's great.


7. 省略冠詞、介系詞等文法結構

7. 省略冠詞、介系詞等文法結構


  • 省略冠詞:

    • 錯誤:I like eat apple.
    • 正確:I like to eat apples.
  • 省略介系詞:

    • 錯誤:I go to school by bus.
    • 正確:I go to school by bus.
  • 省略連接詞:

    • 錯誤:I am tired, I want to go home.
    • 正確:I am tired, so I want to go home.
  • 省略助動詞:

    • 錯誤:I can speak English.
    • 正確:I am able to speak English.
  • 省略關係代名詞:

    • 錯誤:The man I saw yesterday is my friend.
    • 正確:The man whom I saw yesterday is my friend.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I like eat apple. I like to eat apples.
I go to school by bus. I go to school by bus.
I am tired, I want to go home. I am tired, so I want to go home.
I can speak English. I am able to speak English.
The man I saw yesterday is my friend. The man whom I saw yesterday is my friend.


8. 錯誤的慣用語使用

8. 錯誤的慣用語使用


  • 錯誤:I am very hungry. I can eat a horse.
  • 正確:I am very hungry. I can eat a whole horse.

  • 錯誤:It is raining cats and dogs.

  • 正確:It is raining heavily.

  • 錯誤:I am so happy that I am on cloud nine.

  • 正確:I am so happy that I am over the moon.

  • 錯誤:It is not my cup of tea.

  • 正確:It is not to my taste.

  • 錯誤:He is a big shot.

  • 正確:He is a big fish.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I am very hungry. I can eat a horse. I am very hungry. I can eat a whole horse.
It is raining cats and dogs. It is raining heavily.
I am so happy that I am on cloud nine. I am so happy that I am over the moon.
It is not my cup of tea. It is not to my taste.
He is a big shot. He is a big fish.


9. 文法結構錯誤

9. 文法結構錯誤


  • 主詞動詞不一致:

    • 錯誤:The students is studying hard.
    • 正確:The students are studying hard.
  • 時態錯誤:

    • 錯誤:I go to school yesterday.
    • 正確:I went to school yesterday.
  • 語態錯誤:

    • 錯誤:The book was steal by me.
    • 正確:The book was stolen by me.
  • 句子結構錯誤:

    • 錯誤:I like coffee and I also like tea.
    • 正確:I like coffee and tea.
  • 介系詞錯誤:

    • 錯誤:I go to school by bus.
    • 正確:I go to school by bus.


錯誤範例 正確範例
The students is studying hard. The students are studying hard.
I go to school yesterday. I went to school yesterday.
The book was steal by me. The book was stolen by me.
I like coffee and I also like tea. I like coffee and tea.
I go to school by bus. I go to school by bus.


10. 詞彙使用不恰當

10. 詞彙使用不恰當


  • 使用太過正式或學術的詞彙:

    • 錯誤:I am going to utilize the restroom.
    • 正確:I am going to use the bathroom.
  • 使用太過口語或俚語:

    • 錯誤:That movie was dope.
    • 正確:That movie was great.
  • 使用不正確的同義詞:

    • 錯誤:I am very happy today.
    • 正確:I am very glad today.
  • 使用不正確的字詞:

    • 錯誤:I want to buy a new car, but it is too expensive.
    • 正確:I want to buy a new car, but it is too pricey.
  • 使用不正確的片語:

    • 錯誤:I am going to take a test tomorrow.
    • 正確:I am going to take an exam tomorrow.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I am going to utilize the restroom. I am going to use the bathroom.
That movie was dope. That movie was great.
I am very happy today. I am very glad today.
I want to buy a new car, but it is too expensive. I want to buy a new car, but it is too pricey.
I am going to take a test tomorrow. I am going to take an exam tomorrow.


11. 錯用單複數形式

11. 錯用單複數形式


  • 單數名詞用複數形式:

    • 錯誤:There is a mouses in the kitchen.
    • 正確:There is a mouse in the kitchen.
  • 複數名詞用單數形式:

    • 錯誤:I have a lot of furnitures in my house.
    • 正確:I have a lot of furniture in my house.
  • 可數名詞用不可數名詞形式:

    • 錯誤:I need to buy some informations online.
    • 正確:I need to buy some information online.
  • 不可數名詞用可數名詞形式:

    • 錯誤:I have two advices for you.
    • 正確:I have two pieces of advice for you.
  • 集合名詞用單數形式:

    • 錯誤:The committee are discussing the proposal.
    • 正確:The committee is discussing the proposal.


錯誤範例 正確範例
There is a mouses in the kitchen. There is a mouse in the kitchen.
I have a lot of furnitures in my house. I have a lot of furniture in my house.
I need to buy some informations online. I need to buy some information online.
I have two advices for you. I have two pieces of advice for you.
The committee are discussing the proposal. The committee is discussing the proposal.


12. 句型結構錯誤

12. 句型結構錯誤


  • 主詞動詞不一致:

    • 錯誤:The students is studying hard.
    • 正確:The students are studying hard.
  • 時態錯誤:

    • 錯誤:I go to school yesterday.
    • 正確:I went to school yesterday.
  • 語態錯誤:

    • 錯誤:The book was steal by me.
    • 正確:The book was stolen by me.
  • 句子結構錯誤:

    • 錯誤:I like coffee and I also like tea.
    • 正確:I like coffee and tea.
  • 介系詞錯誤:

    • 錯誤:I go to school by bus.
    • 正確:I go to school by bus.


錯誤範例 正確範例
The students is studying hard. The students are studying hard.
I go to school yesterday. I went to school yesterday.
The book was steal by me. The book was stolen by me.
I like coffee and I also like tea. I like coffee and tea.
I go to school by bus. I go to school by bus.


13. 不正確的發音

13. 不正確的發音


  • 元音發音錯誤:

    • 錯誤:I want to eat an aypple.
    • 正確:I want to eat an ahpple.
  • 子音發音錯誤:

    • 錯誤:The thing is very important.
    • 正確:The thing is very important.
  • 重音錯誤:

    • 錯誤:I need to go to the store.
    • 正確:I need to go to the store.
  • 連音錯誤:

    • 錯誤:I can't go to the party.
    • 正確:I can't go to the party.
  • 語調錯誤:

    • 錯誤:Is this your book? (疑問句語調)
    • 正確:Is this your book? (陳述句語調)


錯誤範例 正確範例
I want to eat an aypple. I want to eat an ahpple.
The thing is very important. The thing is very important.
I need to go to the store. I need to go to the store.
I can't go to the party. I can't go to the party.
Is this your book? (疑問句語調) Is this your book? (陳述句語調)


14. 錯誤使用連接詞

14. 錯誤使用連接詞


  • 使用不正確的連接詞:

    • 錯誤:I am tired, so I want to go home.
    • 正確:I am tired, because I want to go home.
  • 使用不正確的連接詞順序:

    • 錯誤:**Although** I am tired, I want to go home.
    • 正確:I am tired, although I want to go home.
  • 使用不必要的連接詞:

    • 錯誤:I went to the store and I bought some milk.
    • 正確:I went to the store and bought some milk.
  • 省略必要的連接詞:

    • 錯誤:I am tired I want to go home.
    • 正確:I am tired, so I want to go home.
  • 使用不正確的連接詞搭配:

    • 錯誤:I am happy that you came.
    • 正確:I am happy to see that you came.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I am tired, so I want to go home. I am tired, because I want to go home.
Although I am tired, I want to go home. I am tired, although I want to go home.
I went to the store and I bought some milk. I went to the store and bought some milk.
I am tired I want to go home. I am tired, so I want to go home.
I am happy that you came. I am happy to see that you came.


15. 錯誤使用助動詞

15. 錯誤使用助動詞


  • 使用不正確的助動詞:

    • 錯誤:I can go to school tomorrow.
    • 正確:I will go to school tomorrow.
  • 使用不正確的助動詞時態:

    • 錯誤:I was can go to school yesterday.
    • 正確:I could go to school yesterday.
  • 使用不必要的助動詞:

    • 錯誤:I do like to eat apple.
    • 正確:I like to eat apple.
  • 省略必要的助動詞:

    • 錯誤:I go to school everyday.
    • 正確:I do go to school everyday.
  • 使用不正確的助動詞搭配:

    • 錯誤:I have been studying English for 10 years.
    • 正確:I have been studying English for 10 years.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I can go to school tomorrow. I will go to school tomorrow.
I was can go to school yesterday. I could go to school yesterday.
I do like to eat apple. I like to eat apple.
I go to school everyday. I do go to school everyday.
I have been studying English for 10 years. I have been studying English for 10 years.


16. 不正確的標點符號使用

16. 不正確的標點符號使用


  • 使用不正確的標點符號:

    • 錯誤:I went to the store and I bought some milk?
    • 正確:I went to the store and I bought some milk.
  • 使用不必要的標點符號:

    • 錯誤:I am tired, I want to go home.
    • 正確:I am tired, so I want to go home.
  • 省略必要的標點符號:

    • 錯誤:The cat is on the table the dog is under the table
    • 正確:The cat is on the table. The dog is under the table.
  • 使用不正確的標點符號搭配:

    • 錯誤:I went to the store, I bought some milk and I came home.
    • 正確:I went to the store, bought some milk, and came home.
  • 使用不正確的標點符號位置:

    • 錯誤:"I am happy to see you" he said.
    • 正確:"I am happy to see you," he said.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I went to the store and I bought some milk? I went to the store and I bought some milk.
I am tired, I want to go home. I am tired, so I want to go home.
The cat is on the table the dog is under the table The cat is on the table. The dog is under the table.
I went to the store, I bought some milk and I came home. I went to the store, bought some milk, and came home.
"I am happy to see you" he said. "I am happy to see you," he said.


17. 錯誤的拼字

17. 錯誤的拼字


  • 拼錯單字:

    • 錯誤:I want to eat an appel.
    • 正確:I want to eat an apple.
  • 漏掉字母:

    • 錯誤:The cat is on the tabl.
    • 正確:The cat is on the table.
  • 多加字母:

    • 錯誤:I went to the storee.
    • 正確:I went to the store.
  • 顛倒字母順序:

    • 錯誤:The dog is brakn.
    • 正確:The dog is black.
  • 使用錯誤的同音異義字:

    • 錯誤:I am going to the pare.
    • 正確:I am going to the park.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I want to eat an appel. I want to eat an apple.
The cat is on the tabl. The cat is on the table.
I went to the storee. I went to the store.
The dog is brakn. The dog is black.
I am going to the pare. I am going to the park.


18. 不正確的字詞轉換

18. 不正確的字詞轉換


  • 直接翻譯中文詞彙:

    • 錯誤:I want to eat rice.
    • 正確:I want to eat a meal.
  • 使用不正確的同義詞:

    • 錯誤:I am very happy today.
    • 正確:I am very glad today.
  • 使用不正確的字詞:

    • 錯誤:I want to buy a new car, but it is too expensive.
    • 正確:I want to buy a new car, but it is too pricey.
  • 使用不正確的片語:

    • 錯誤:I am going to take a test tomorrow.
    • 正確:I am going to take an exam tomorrow.
  • 使用不正確的慣用語:

    • 錯誤:It is raining cats and dogs.
    • 正確:It is raining heavily.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I want to eat rice. I want to eat a meal.
I am very happy today. I am very glad today.
I want to buy a new car, but it is too expensive. I want to buy a new car, but it is too pricey.
I am going to take a test tomorrow. I am going to take an exam tomorrow.
It is raining cats and dogs. It is raining heavily.


19. 誤用同音異義詞

19. 誤用同音異義詞


  • their/there/they're:

    • 錯誤:I put the book there.
    • 正確:I put the book over there.
  • your/you're:

    • 錯誤:**Your** book is on the table.
    • 正確:**You're** book is on the table.
  • it's/its:

    • 錯誤:The cat is playing with it's toy.
    • 正確:The cat is playing with its toy.
  • two/to/too:

    • 錯誤:There are two books on the table.
    • 正確:There are two books on the table.
  • write/right:

    • 錯誤:I can't write very well.
    • 正確:I can't write very well.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I put the book there. I put the book over there.
Your book is on the table. You're book is on the table.
The cat is playing with it's toy. The cat is playing with its toy.
There are two books on the table. There are two books on the table.
I can't write very well. I can't write very well.


20. 中文式英文的句型結構

20. 中文式英文的句型結構


  • 主語放在受詞之後:

    • 錯誤:The book I bought it yesterday.
    • 正確:I bought the book yesterday.
  • 動詞放在主語之後:

    • 錯誤:The cat is sleeping on the bed it.
    • 正確:The cat is sleeping on the bed.
  • 介系詞使用不正確:

    • 錯誤:I go to school by bus.
    • 正確:I go to school by bus.
  • 連接詞使用不正確:

    • 錯誤:I am tired, I want to go home.
    • 正確:I am tired, so I want to go home.
  • 省略必要的冠詞或介系詞:

    • 錯誤:I like eat apple.
    • 正確:I like to eat apples.


錯誤範例 正確範例
The book I bought it yesterday. I bought the book yesterday.
The cat is sleeping on the bed it. The cat is sleeping on the bed.
I go to school by bus. I go to school by bus.
I am tired, I want to go home. I am tired, so I want to go home.
I like eat apple. I like to eat apples.


21. 錯誤使用縮寫

21. 錯誤使用縮寫


  • 使用不正確的縮寫:

    • 錯誤:I am going to the USA.
    • 正確:I am going to the United States of America.
  • 使用不必要的縮寫:

    • 錯誤:I am going to the atm to withdraw some money.
    • 正確:I am going to the automated teller machine to withdraw some money.
  • 省略必要的縮寫點:

    • 錯誤:My Dr is very nice.
    • 正確:My Dr. is very nice.
  • 使用縮寫不一致:

    • 錯誤:The CEO of the company is a very important person. The CFO is also very important.
    • 正確:The CEO of the company is a very important person. The Chief Financial Officer is also very important.
  • 使用縮寫導致歧義:

    • 錯誤:I met with HR yesterday.
    • 正確:I met with Human Resources yesterday. (或 I met with Human Relations yesterday.)


錯誤範例 正確範例
I am going to the USA. I am going to the United States of America.
I am going to the atm to withdraw some money. I am going to the automated teller machine to withdraw some money.
My Dr is very nice. My Dr. is very nice.
The CEO of the company is a very important person. The CFO is also very important. The CEO of the company is a very important person. The Chief Financial Officer is also very important.
I met with HR yesterday. I met with Human Resources yesterday. (或 I met with Human Relations yesterday.)


22. 缺乏適當的用詞

22. 缺乏適當的用詞


  • 使用太過正式或學術的詞彙:

    • 錯誤:I am going to utilize the restroom.
    • 正確:I am going to use the bathroom.
  • 使用太過口語或俚語:

    • 錯誤:That movie was dope.
    • 正確:That movie was great.
  • 使用不正確的同義詞:

    • 錯誤:I am very happy today.
    • 正確:I am very glad today.
  • 使用不正確的字詞:

    • 錯誤:I want to buy a new car, but it is too expensive.
    • 正確:I want to buy a new car, but it is too pricey.
  • 使用不正確的片語:

    • 錯誤:I am going to take a test tomorrow.
    • 正確:I am going to take an exam tomorrow.


錯誤範例 正確範例
I am going to utilize the restroom. I am going to use the bathroom.
That movie was dope. That movie was great.
I am very happy today. I am very glad today.
I want to buy a new car, but it is too expensive. I want to buy a new car, but it is too pricey.
I am going to take a test tomorrow. I am going to take an exam tomorrow.






  • 學習正確的英文詞彙和片語:使用字典或同義詞詞典,查找中文詞彙的正確英文對應詞。例如,中文的「吃飯」正確的英文對應詞是「eat a meal」,而不是「eat rice」。
  • 熟悉英文文法:學習不同的時態、語態、句型結構,並練習使用正確的文法。例如,中文的「我昨天買了一本篇」正確的英文句型是「I bought a book yesterday」,而不是「The book I bought it yesterday」。
  • 多閱讀英文文章:透過閱讀英文文章,可以接觸到不同的英語表達方式和句型結構。例如,可以閱讀英文新聞、雜誌或小說,並注意文章中的用字遣詞和句型結構。
  • 觀看英文電影或影集:透過觀看英文電影或影集,可以學習自然的英語對話和語調。例如,可以觀看英語電影或影集,並注意演員的發音、語調和肢體語言。
  • 與英語母語人士交流:與英語母語人士交談,可以獲得即時的回饋,並學習更道地的英語表達方式。例如,可以參加英語會話小組或與英語母語人士交朋友,並多與他們交談。


  • 翻譯練習:將中文文章或句子翻譯成英文,並檢查自己的翻譯是否正確。
  • 寫作練習:用英文寫作文章或句子,並請英語母語人士或老師檢查是否有中文式英文的錯誤。
  • 口說練習:與英語母語人士或老師進行英語對話,並注意自己的用字遣詞和句型結構是否有中文式英文的錯誤。



1. 什麼是中文式英文?


2. 中文式英文有哪些常見錯誤?


  • 直接翻譯中文詞彙:例如,將「吃飯」翻譯成「eat rice」,正確的英文應該是「eat a meal」。
  • 使用不正確的同義詞:例如,將「很高興」翻譯成「very happy」,正確的英文應該是「very glad」。
  • 使用不正確的字詞:例如,將「貴」翻譯成「expensive」,正確的英文應該是「pricey」。
  • 使用不正確的句型結構:例如,將「我昨天買了一本篇」翻譯成「The book I bought it yesterday」,正確的英文應該是「I bought a book yesterday」。

3. 如何避免中文式英文?


  • 學習正確的英文詞彙和片語:使用字典或同義詞詞典,查找中文詞彙的正確英文對應詞。
  • 熟悉英文文法:學習不同的時態、語態、句型結構,並練習使用正確的文法。
  • 多閱讀英文文章:透過閱讀英文文章,可以接觸到不同的英語表達方式和句型結構。
  • 觀看英文電影或影集:透過觀看英文電影或影集,可以學習自然的英語對話和語調。
  • 與英語母語人士交流:與英語母語人士交談,可以獲得即時的回饋,並學習更道地的英語表達方式。

4. 中文式英文會造成什麼影響?



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