『片語』英文片語大全|動詞片語、50 個生活常用&多益英文片語一次看!


本文彙整了 150 個實用的英文片語,涵蓋動詞片語、生活常用片語和多益常考片語,旨在提升您的英語溝通技巧。

動詞片語對於商業溝通至關重要,它們能簡潔有力地表達複雜的商業概念,例如「carry out a project」(執行專案)或「follow up on a request」(追蹤請求)。

生活常用片語能豐富您的日常對話,讓您在非正式場合中也能自信且自然地表達您的想法,例如「by the way」(順便說一下)或「every now and then」(時不時)。

多益英文片語是多益測驗的必備武器,熟練掌握這些片語能幫助您在考試中更有效率地表達您的想法,並提升您的整體分數,例如「be in charge of」(負責)或「come to a decision」(做出決定)。



1. 動詞片語

1. 動詞片語

1. 動詞片語

在商業溝通中,動詞片語扮演著至關重要的角色,它們能精確傳達複雜的概念和提升語言的流暢度。以下是 50 個常見的動詞片語,有助於您在商業場合中自信且有效地表達:

動詞片語 中文翻譯 範例
carry out 執行 We need to carry out this project within the next quarter.
come up with 想出 Can you come up with some creative ideas for the marketing campaign?
follow up on 追蹤 Please follow up on the client's request as soon as possible.
get across 傳達 I'm having difficulty getting my point across to the team.
go over 檢視 Let's go over the financial report together.
keep up with 跟上 It's challenging to keep up with the rapid pace of technological advancements.
look into 調查 We should look into the possibility of expanding into new markets.
make up for 彌補 We need to make up for lost time on this project.
put off 延後 Don't put off making a decision until the last minute.
run into 遇上 We ran into some unexpected obstacles during the project.
set up 建立 We need to set up a meeting with the stakeholders.
take care of 處理 I'll take care of the logistics for the conference.
work out 解決 We need to work out a solution that satisfies both parties.


2. 生活常用英文片語

2. 生活常用英文片語

2. 生活常用英文片語

在日常生活溝通中,使用適當的英文片語能讓您的語言表達更加流暢、生動。以下是 50 個生活常用英文片語,有助於您在各種場合中自信且有效地與人交流:

英文片語 中文翻譯 範例
at the end of the day 最終 At the end of the day, it's all about making the right decision.
by the way 順便說一下 By the way, I have a question for you.
every now and then 時不時 I like to go for a walk every now and then.
for good 永遠地 I'm leaving for good next week.
from time to time 不時地 I visit my parents from time to time.
get along with 與...相處融洽 I get along well with my colleagues.
have a good time 過得愉快 I hope you have a good time at the party.
in advance 提前 Please let me know in advance if you can't make it.
in case 以防萬一 I'll bring an umbrella in case it rains.
in order to 為了 I'm studying hard in order to pass the exam.
it depends 這要看情況 It depends on the weather whether we go on a picnic or not.
last but not least 最後但並非最不重要 Last but not least, I want to thank everyone for their support.
little by little 逐漸地 I'm learning Spanish little by little.
make sense 有道理 Your proposal makes a lot of sense.
once in a while 偶爾 I go to the movies once in a while.
out of the blue 突然地 I received an email out of the blue from an old friend.


3. 多益英文片語

3. 多益英文片語

3. 多益英文片語

多益測驗 (TOEIC) 是評量非英語系人士英語能力的重要指標。熟悉多益常考英文片語對於提升考試成績至關重要。以下是 50 個多益英文片語,有助於您在測驗中展現您的語言實力:

英文片語 中文翻譯 範例
as a matter of fact 事實上 As a matter of fact, I agree with your opinion.
be in charge of 負責 She is in charge of the marketing department.
be responsible for 對...負責 I am responsible for completing this project.
come to a decision 做出決定 We need to come to a decision soon.
deal with 處理 I'm dealing with a difficult customer right now.
figure out 找出 I can't figure out how to solve this problem.
get back to 回覆 I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
have a meeting 開會 We have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
keep in touch 保持聯繫 Let's keep in touch and update each other on our progress.
look forward to 期待 I'm looking forward to working with you.
make an appointment 預約 Can I make an appointment to see the doctor?
pay attention to 注意 Please pay attention to the instructions.
point out 指出 I would like to point out that there is a mistake in the report.
put off 延後 Don't put off studying for the exam until the last minute.
take notes 做筆記 It's important to take notes during the lecture.
turn out 結果 It turned out that the movie was very good.








1. 這些英文片語適用於哪些場合?


2. 如何有效學習這些片語?


3. 掌握這些片語需要多長時間?


4. 熟練運用這些片語有哪些好處?


5. 這些片語是否適合所有英語學習者?





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