
踏入新學期,校園生活少不了與老師和同學的互動。為了順利融入校園環境,有效溝通是至關重要的。以下 7 句必用英文,將幫助你在校園教室中自信地表達自己:

  • Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早安/午安/晚安。

    • 向老師和同學問候,展現禮貌和尊重。
  • Can I ask a question? 我可以提問嗎?

    • 在課堂上提出疑問,表示你積極參與並渴望學習。
  • I have a question. 我有一個問題。

    • 清楚地表達你的疑問,讓老師和同學都能明白。
  • Could you please explain [concept] again? 可以請你再解釋一下 [概念] 嗎?

    • 當你對某個概念感到困惑時,禮貌地尋求進一步的說明。
  • I need to take a day off. 我需要請一天假。

    • 向老師請假時,簡潔地說明你的理由和請假時間。
  • Can I borrow your [item]? 我可以借用你的 [物品] 嗎?

    • 詢問同學是否可以借用物品,展現禮貌和尊重。
  • Thank you for your help. 謝謝你的幫助。

    • 表達對他人協助的感謝,展現你的禮貌和善意。


  • 使用適當的語調和音量,避免過於隨意或大聲。
  • 保持眼神接觸,展現真誠和自信。
  • 使用禮貌的措辭,例如 "please"(請)和 "thank you"(謝謝)。



1. 打招呼

1. 打招呼

在校園裡,打招呼是一項重要的社交禮儀,它可以幫助你建立人際關係,營造友善的學習環境。以下是 7 句必用的英文打招呼用語:

  • Good morning. 早安。
  • Good afternoon. 午安。
  • Good evening. 晚安。
  • Hello. 您好。
  • Hi. 嗨。
  • What's up? 怎麼了?
  • How are you? 你好嗎?

回應打招呼時,除了可以簡單地說 "I'm fine, thank you."(我很好,謝謝你。),你也可以使用以下較為禮貌的回應方式:

  • I'm doing well, thank you. 我過得很好,謝謝你。
  • I'm doing great, thanks. 我過得很好,謝謝你。
  • I'm hanging in there. 我撐著呢。
  • I'm not too bad. 我還不錯。
  • I'm okay. 我還好。


打招呼用語 回應用語
Good morning I'm fine, thank you.
Good afternoon I'm doing well, thank you.
Good evening I'm doing great, thanks.
Hello I'm hanging in there.
Hi I'm not too bad.
What's up? I'm okay.
How are you? I'm fine, thank you.


情境:你在上課前遇到同學 John。

你:Good morning, John. John:Good morning to you too. How are you doing? 你:I'm doing well, thanks. What about you? John:I'm not too bad. Ready for class? 你:Yes, I am. Let's go.


  • 打招呼時,記得保持眼神接觸和微笑。
  • 注重語調和音量,避免過於隨便或大聲。
  • 如果你對某人不太熟悉,可以使用較為正式的打招呼方式,例如 "Good morning, Mr./Ms. [老師或同學的姓氏]"。

2. 請假

2. 請假

在學期間,難免會遇到需要請假的情況。以下是 7 句必用的英文請假用語:

  • I need to take a leave of absence. 我需要請假。
  • I'm not feeling well and need to see a doctor. 我身體不舒服,需要去看醫生。
  • I have a family emergency and need to go home. 我有家庭緊急狀況,需要回家。
  • I have a job interview and need to attend. 我有面試,需要參加。
  • I have a religious holiday and need to observe it. 我有宗教節日,需要遵守。
  • I need to take care of a personal matter. 我需要處理個人事務。
  • I have a prior commitment that I cannot reschedule. 我有先前無法改期的約定。


  • I need to take a day off. 我需要請一天假。
  • I need to take two days off. 我需要請兩天假。
  • I need to take a week off. 我需要請一週假。
  • I need to take an extended leave of absence. 我需要請長期假。


請假用語 時態表達
I need to take a leave of absence. I need to take a day off.
I'm not feeling well and need to see a doctor. I need to take two days off.
I have a family emergency and need to go home. I need to take a week off.
I have a job interview and need to attend. I need to take an extended leave of absence.
I have a religious holiday and need to observe it.
I need to take care of a personal matter.
I have a prior commitment that I cannot reschedule.



你:Excuse me, Professor. I'm not feeling well and need to see a doctor. Can I please take a day off today? 老師:Of course. I hope you feel better soon. 你:Thank you.


  • 請假時,請盡量提前告知老師或學校。
  • 如果你需要請長期假,可能需要提供醫生證明或其他證明文件。
  • 請假後,記得補上缺席的課業。

3. 提問

3. 提問

在課堂上,提問是一個重要的學習方式,它可以幫助你釐清概念,加深理解。以下是 7 句必用的英文提問用語:

  • I have a question. 我有一個問題。
  • Can I ask a question? 我可以提問嗎?
  • What does [concept] mean? [概念]是什麼意思?
  • Could you please explain [concept] again? 可以請你再解釋一下 [概念] 嗎?
  • I'm not sure I understand. Can you give me an example? 我不太確定我是否理解,可以舉個例子嗎?
  • How does [concept] relate to [concept]? [概念] 和 [概念] 有什麼關係?
  • What are the implications of [concept]? [概念] 的影響是什麼?


  • 舉手示意,等待老師點名後再發言。
  • 使用有禮貌的語氣,避免打斷老師或同學。
  • 清楚地表達你的問題,讓大家都能聽懂。


提問用語 禮貌事項
I have a question. 舉手示意,等待老師點名。
Can I ask a question? 使用有禮貌的語氣。
What does [concept] mean? 清楚地表達問題。
Could you please explain [concept] again?
I'm not sure I understand. Can you give me an example?
How does [concept] relate to [concept]?
What are the implications of [concept]?



你:Excuse me, Professor. I have a question. 老師:Yes, what is your question? 你:I'm not sure I understand the concept of [concept]. Could you please explain it again? 老師:Sure. [解釋概念]


  • 除了使用上述的提問用語,你也可以使用更具體的提問方式,例如:
    • What is the difference between [concept A] and [concept B]? [概念 A] 和 [概念 B] 有什麼不同?
    • Can you provide more details about [concept]? 可以提供更多關於 [概念] 的細節嗎?
  • 提問時,請保持開放的心態,虛心接受老師或同學的回答。

4. 回答

4. 回答

在課堂上或與同學討論時,回答問題是一個積極參與和分享知識的好方法。以下是 7 句必用的英文回答用語:

  • I think the answer is... 我認為答案是...
  • In my opinion, the best answer is... 我認為最好的答案是...
  • I believe that... 我相信...
  • I agree with [person's name]. 我同意 [人的名字] 的看法。
  • I disagree with [person's name]. 我不同意 [人的名字] 的看法。
  • Here's what I think. 這是我的看法。
  • Let me explain my answer. 讓我解釋我的答案。


  • 等待老師或同學問完問題後再發言。
  • 使用有禮貌的語氣,避免打斷或批評他人。
  • 清楚地表達你的答案,讓大家都能聽懂。


回答用語 禮貌事項
I think the answer is... 等待問題問完後再發言。
In my opinion, the best answer is... 使用有禮貌的語氣。
I believe that... 清楚地表達答案。
I agree with [person's name].
I disagree with [person's name].
Here's what I think.
Let me explain my answer.



老師:What is the main idea of this chapter? 本章的主要論點是什麼? 你:I think the main idea of this chapter is... 我認為本章的主要論點是...


  • 除了使用上述的回答用語,你也可以使用更具體的回答方式,例如:
    • The main character in the story is... 故事中的主角是...
    • The author's purpose in writing this essay is... 作者寫這篇文章的目的是...
  • 回答問題時,請有理有據,並適時引用課本或其他資料。

5. 借用物品

5. 借用物品

在校園裡,難免會遇到需要借用物品的情況。以下是 7 句必用的英文借用物品用語:

  • Can I borrow your [item]? 我可以借用你的 [物品] 嗎?
  • Do you mind if I borrow your [item]? 介意我借用你的 [物品] 嗎?
  • Would you be willing to lend me your [item]? 你願意借我你的 [物品] 嗎?
  • I need to borrow your [item] for a while. 我需要借用你的 [物品] 一下。
  • Can I use your [item] after you're finished with it? 我可以使用你的 [物品],等你用完之後嗎?
  • I'll return it to you as soon as possible. 我會盡快歸還給你。
  • Thank you for lending me your [item]. 謝謝你借我你的 [物品]。


  • 先詢問物品的主人是否願意借出。
  • 使用有禮貌的語氣,避免直接要求。
  • 說明你借用物品的用途和歸還時間。


借用物品用語 禮貌事項
Can I borrow your [item]? 先詢問物品的主人。
Do you mind if I borrow your [item]? 使用有禮貌的語氣。
Would you be willing to lend me your [item]? 說明借用物品的用途。
I need to borrow your [item] for a while. 說明歸還時間。
Can I use your [item] after you're finished with it?
I'll return it to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for lending me your [item].



你:Excuse me, [同學的名字]. Can I borrow your notes for a while? I forgot to bring mine to class. 同學:Sure, no problem. 你:Thank you so much. I'll return them to you after class.


  • 借用物品時,請保持禮貌和尊重。
  • 妥善保管借來的物品,並按時歸還。
  • 如果物品遺失或損壞,請主動告知物品的主人並負責賠償。

6. 協助同學

6. 協助同學

在校園裡,互相協助是建立友誼和營造良好學習環境的重要一環。以下是 7 句必用的英文協助同學用語:

  • Can I help you with that? 我可以幫你嗎?
  • Do you need any help? 你需要幫忙嗎?
  • I'm here if you need anything. 我在這裡,如果你需要任何幫助。
  • Let me know if I can do anything for you. 如果你有什麼需要我幫忙的,請告訴我。
  • I'm happy to help. 我很樂意幫忙。
  • No problem. I'm glad to help. 沒問題。我很樂意幫忙。
  • It's the least I can do. 這是我能做的最少的事。


  • 主動詢問同學是否需要幫忙,避免過於熱心。
  • 使用有禮貌的語氣,讓同學感受到你的真誠。
  • 盡力提供具體的協助,例如:
    • 幫忙解答問題
    • 提供學習資料
    • 協助完成作業


協助同學用語 禮貌事項
Can I help you with that? 主動詢問。
Do you need any help? 使用有禮貌的語氣。
I'm here if you need anything. 提供具體的協助。
Let me know if I can do anything for you.
I'm happy to help.
No problem. I'm glad to help.
It's the least I can do.



你:Excuse me, do you need any help? 同學:Yes, I'm trying to find a book, but I can't seem to locate it. 你:I'm happy to help. What book are you looking for?


  • 協助同學時,請保持耐心和友善。
  • 如果你的協助無法解決同學的問題,可以建議他們尋求老師或助教的幫助。
  • 幫助同學不求回報,但適當的感謝會讓彼此都感到溫暖。

7. 道謝與告別

7. 道謝與告別

在校園裡,表達謝意和告別是展現禮貌和尊重的重要一環。以下是 7 句必用的英文道謝與告別用語:


  • Thank you. 謝謝你。
  • Thank you very much. 非常感謝你。
  • I really appreciate your help. 我真的很感謝你的幫助。
  • That was very kind of you. 你真是太好了。
  • I'm so grateful for your support. 我非常感謝你的支持。
  • You're a lifesaver! 你救了我一命!
  • I can't thank you enough. 我無法用言語表達我的感謝。


  • Goodbye. 再見。
  • See you later. 等一下見。
  • Have a good day/night. 祝你有美好的一天/夜晚。
  • Take care. 保重。
  • It was nice talking to you. 很高興和你聊天。
  • I'll see you around. 我會再見你的。
  • Best wishes. 祝你好運。


  • 使用真誠的語氣,讓對方感受到你的謝意。
  • 注重眼神接觸和微笑。
  • 在適當的時候使用肢體語言,例如握手或擁抱。


道謝與告別用語 禮貌事項
Thank you. 使用真誠的語氣。
Thank you very much. 注重眼神接觸。
I really appreciate your help. 使用肢體語言。
That was very kind of you.
I'm so grateful for your support.
You're a lifesaver!
I can't thank you enough.
See you later.
Have a good day/night.
Take care.
It was nice talking to you.
I'll see you around.
Best wishes.



你:Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. 同學:You're welcome. I'm glad I could help.


你:Goodbye, everyone. Have a good day. 同學:Goodbye, [你的名字]. See you later.


  • 道謝與告別時,請保持簡潔明瞭。
  • 在正式場合,可以使用較為正式的用語,例如 "Thank you for your time."(感謝你撥冗)或 "I wish you all the best."(祝你們一切順利)。
  • 真誠的感謝和告別可以為每一次互動留下良好的印象。


踏入新學期,與老師和同學的有效溝通至關重要。以下 7 句必用英文將助你自信地表達自己,融入校園生活:

  • Good morning/afternoon/evening. 以禮貌的問候開啟每一天。
  • Can I ask a question? 主動提出疑問,展現學習熱忱。
  • I have a question. 清晰地表達你的疑問,讓他人明白。
  • Could you please explain [concept] again? 禮貌地尋求進一步說明,消除困惑。
  • I need to take a day off. 簡潔地提出請假需求,展現負責態度。
  • Can I borrow your [item]? 以禮貌的措辭借用物品,尊重他人意願。
  • Thank you for your help. 表達對他人協助的感謝,展現你的善意。


  • 保持眼神接觸,展現真誠和自信。
  • 使用適當的語調和音量,避免過於隨意或大聲。
  • 使用禮貌的措辭,例如 "please"(請)和 "thank you"(謝謝)。
  • 積極傾聽他人發言,展現尊重和同理心。



1. 在課堂上如何禮貌地提問?

  • Can I ask a question?
  • I have a question.
  • Could you please explain [concept] again?

2. 如何向老師請假?

  • I need to take a day off.
  • I need to take a leave of absence.
  • I'm not feeling well and need to see a doctor.

3. 如何禮貌地借用同學的物品?

  • Can I borrow your [item]?
  • Do you mind if I borrow your [item]?
  • I need to borrow your [item] for a while.

4. 如何表達對他人協助的感謝?

  • Thank you for your help.
  • I really appreciate your help.
  • That was very kind of you.

5. 如何在課堂上與老師或同學互動?

  • Excuse me, [teacher's name].
  • I agree with [student's name].
  • I disagree with [student's name].
  • Here's what I think.

6. 如何在課堂上表達自己的意見?

  • In my opinion...
  • I believe that...
  • I think the best answer is...

7. 如何在校園裡與人打招呼?

  • Good morning/afternoon/evening.
  • Hello.
  • Hi.
  • What's up?


較新的 較舊