



  • 增強溝通:正確的文法可以幫助你更有效地傳達你的想法和信息。
  • 提升專業性:清晰準確的寫作在學術和專業環境中至關重要。它表明你對語言的掌握程度和對細節的關注。
  • 建立信心:當你知道自己的寫作沒有文法錯誤時,你會對自己的寫作能力更有信心。



  • 時態錯誤:
    • 錯誤:I ate dinner yesterday and I have eaten lunch today.
    • 正確:I ate dinner yesterday and I ate lunch today.
  • 介系詞錯誤:
    • 錯誤:I am going to the store.
    • 正確:I am going to the store.
  • 慣用語和俚語:
    • 錯誤:He is a big shot.
    • 正確:He is an important person.
  • 標點符號錯誤:
    • 錯誤:I went to the store, I bought some milk, and I came home.
    • 正確:I went to the store, bought some milk, and came home.



1. 常見文法錯誤類型

1. 常見文法錯誤類型



  • 過去式和完成式混淆:

    • 錯誤:I ate dinner yesterday and I have eaten lunch today.
    • 正確:I ate dinner yesterday and I ate lunch today.
  • 現在式和現在完成式混淆:

    • 錯誤:I work here for five years.
    • 正確:I have worked here for five years.


  • 介系詞使用不當:

    • 錯誤:I am going to the store.
    • 正確:I am going to the store.
  • 介系詞遺漏:

    • 錯誤:I am interested in learning English.
    • 正確:I am interested in learning English.


  • 使用不恰當的慣用語或俚語:
    • 錯誤:He is a big shot.
    • 正確:He is an important person.


  • 逗號使用不當:

    • 錯誤:I went to the store, I bought some milk, and I came home.
    • 正確:I went to the store, bought some milk, and came home.
  • 句號使用不當:

    • 錯誤:I am going to the store Will you come with me?
    • 正確:I am going to the store. Will you come with me?


  • 單複數錯誤:

    • 錯誤:There are two cat in the house.
    • 正確:There are two cats in the house.
  • 主詞動詞一致錯誤:

    • 錯誤:The students is studying for the test.
    • 正確:The students are studying for the test.


錯誤類型 錯誤範例 正確範例
時態錯誤 I ate dinner yesterday and I have eaten lunch today. I ate dinner yesterday and I ate lunch today.
介系詞錯誤 I am going to the store. I am going to the store.
慣用語和俚語 He is a big shot. He is an important person.
標點符號錯誤 I went to the store, I bought some milk, and I came home. I went to the store, bought some milk, and came home.
其他常見錯誤 There are two cat in the house. There are two cats in the house.
其他常見錯誤 The students is studying for the test. The students are studying for the test.

2. 避免動詞時態錯誤

2. 避免動詞時態錯誤



  • 現在式:用於描述現在發生的動作或狀態。

    • 例如:I am writing a letter.
  • 過去式:用於描述過去發生的動作或狀態。

    • 例如:I wrote a letter yesterday.
  • 未來式:用於描述將來發生的動作或狀態。

    • 例如:I will write a letter tomorrow.
  • 完成式:用於描述在某個時間點之前完成的動作或狀態。

    • 例如:I have written a letter.



  • 錯誤:I wrote a letter yesterday and I have eaten lunch today.
  • 正確:I wrote a letter yesterday and I ate lunch today.



  • 現在: now, currently, presently
  • 過去: yesterday, last week, in 2020
  • 未來: tomorrow, next week, in 2024


時態 用法 時間信號詞
現在式 描述現在發生的動作或狀態 now, currently, presently
過去式 描述過去發生的動作或狀態 yesterday, last week, in 2020
未來式 描述將來發生的動作或狀態 tomorrow, next week, in 2024
完成式 描述在某個時間點之前完成的動作或狀態 already, yet, since


  • 過去式和完成式的混淆:

    • 錯誤:I ate dinner yesterday and I have eaten lunch today.
    • 正確:I ate dinner yesterday and I ate lunch today.
  • 現在式和現在完成式的混淆:

    • 錯誤:I work here for five years.
    • 正確:I have worked here for five years.
  • 時態不一致:

    • 錯誤:I wrote a letter yesterday and I have eaten lunch today.
    • 正確:I wrote a letter yesterday and I ate lunch today.

3. 正確使用介系詞

3. 正確使用介系詞




  • 位置: on, in, at, above, below, next to
  • 方向: to, from, towards, away from
  • 時間: at, on, in, before, after
  • 其他關係: with, by, for, of



  • 正確: I am sitting on the chair.
  • 錯誤: I am sitting the chair on.



  • 例如: I am sitting on the chair in the corner.


  • 介系詞使用不當:

    • 錯誤:I am going to the store.
    • 正確:I am going to the store.
  • 介系詞遺漏:

    • 錯誤:I am interested in learning English.
    • 正確:I am interested in learning English.
  • 介系詞位置不當:

    • 錯誤:I am sitting the chair on.
    • 正確:I am sitting on the chair.


介系詞類型 用法 範例
位置 表示位置 on, in, at, above, below, next to
方向 表示方向 to, from, towards, away from
時間 表示時間 at, on, in, before, after
其他關係 表示其他關係 with, by, for, of


  • 了解介系詞的含義。
  • 練習使用介系詞。
  • 檢查你的寫作中是否有介系詞錯誤。

4. 避免慣用語和俚語

4. 避免慣用語和俚語






  • 例如:
    • 慣用語:He is a big shot.
    • 正式語言:He is an important person.



  • 例如:
    • 俚語:He is loaded.
    • 替代詞:He is wealthy.


  • 使用不恰當的慣用語或俚語:

    • 錯誤:He is a big shot.
    • 正確:He is an important person.
  • 使用過多的慣用語或俚語:

    • 錯誤:He is a big shot and he is loaded.
    • 正確:He is an important person and he is wealthy.


慣用語/俚語 正式語言
He is a big shot He is an important person
He is loaded He is wealthy
He is a pain in the neck He is annoying
He is full of himself He is arrogant
He is a couch potato He is lazy


  • 閱讀正式的文章和書籍。
  • 練習用正式的語言寫作。
  • 檢查你的寫作中是否有慣用語或俚語。

5. 檢查標點符號使用

5. 檢查標點符號使用



  • 將獨立子句分開。
    • 例如:I went to the store, and I bought some milk.
  • 將項目清單分開。
    • 例如:I need to buy milk, eggs, and bread.
  • 將非限制性定語從句子中分開。
    • 例如:The cat, which was black, ran away.


  • 結束句子。
    • 例如:I am going to the store.
  • 將兩個獨立子句分開。
    • 例如:I went to the store. I bought some milk.


  • 結束疑問句。
    • 例如:Where are you going?


  • 表示強烈的感情。
    • 例如:Wow! That was amazing!


  • 引入清單、解釋或報價。
    • 例如:I need to buy the following items: milk, eggs, and bread.


  • 將兩個密切相關的獨立子句分開。
    • 例如:I went to the store; I bought some milk.


  • 逗號使用不當:

    • 錯誤:I went to the store, I bought some milk, and I came home.
    • 正確:I went to the store, bought some milk, and came home.
  • 句號使用不當:

    • 錯誤:I am going to the store Will you come with me?
    • 正確:I am going to the store. Will you come with me?
  • 其他標點符號錯誤:

    • 錯誤:Where is my book?
    • 正確:Where is my book?


標點符號 用法 範例
逗號 將獨立子句分開,將項目清單分開,將非限制性定語從句子中分開 I went to the store, and I bought some milk.
句號 結束句子,將兩個獨立子句分開 I am going to the store.
問號 結束疑問句 Where are you going?
驚嘆號 表示強烈的感情 Wow! That was amazing!
冒號 引入清單、解釋或報價 I need to buy the following items: milk, eggs, and bread.
分號 將兩個密切相關的獨立子句分開 I went to the store; I bought some milk.


  • 了解不同標點符號的用法。
  • 練習使用標點符號。
  • 檢查你的寫作中是否有標點符號錯誤。

6. 其他常見寫作錯誤

6. 其他常見寫作錯誤



  • 使用單數形式表示複數:

    • 錯誤:There are two cat in the house.
    • 正確:There are two cats in the house.
  • 使用複數形式表示單數:

    • 錯誤:The United State is a large country.
    • 正確:The United States is a large country.


  • 主詞和動詞在數和人稱上不一致:

    • 錯誤:The students is studying for the test.
    • 正確:The students are studying for the test.
  • 代詞和先行詞在數和人稱上不一致:

    • 錯誤:The student left their book on the desk.
    • 正確:The student left his/her book on the desk.


  • 拼寫單詞不正確:

    • 錯誤:I am going to the store tommorow.
    • 正確:I am going to the store tomorrow.
  • 使用同音異義詞不當:

    • 錯誤:There is no affect on the environment.
    • 正確:There is no effect on the environment.


  • 句型不完整:

    • 錯誤:I went to the store and.
    • 正確:I went to the store and bought some milk.
  • 句子結構混亂:

    • 錯誤:The cat sat on the mat, and the dog chased it.
    • 正確:The cat sat on the mat, and the dog chased it around the room.
  • 不必要的重複:

    • 錯誤:I went to the store to buy some milk, and then I went to the store to buy some eggs.
    • 正確:I went to the store to buy some milk and eggs.


錯誤類型 範例 正確範例
單複數錯誤 There are two cat in the house. There are two cats in the house.
主詞動詞一致錯誤 The students is studying for the test. The students are studying for the test.
拼寫錯誤 I am going to the store tommorow. I am going to the store tomorrow.
句型不完整 I went to the store and. I went to the store and bought some milk.
句子結構混亂 The cat sat on the mat, and the dog chased it. The cat sat on the mat, and the dog chased it around the room.
不必要的重複 I went to the store to buy some milk, and then I went to the store to buy some eggs. I went to the store to buy some milk and eggs.


  • 了解常見的寫作錯誤。
  • 練習避免這些錯誤。
  • 檢查你的寫作中是否有這些錯誤。




  • 選擇正確的時態:確保時態與事件發生的時間一致。例如:
    • 過去式:I ate dinner yesterday.
    • 現在完成式:I have eaten dinner.
  • 正確使用介系詞:了解不同介系詞的含義,並選擇與你想要表達的關係相匹配的介系詞。例如:
    • 表示位置:on, in, at
    • 表示方向:to, from, towards
  • 避免慣用語和俚語:在正式寫作中,使用正式的語言,避免使用慣用語和俚語。例如:
    • 慣用語:He is a big shot.
    • 正式語言:He is an important person.
  • 仔細使用標點符號:標點符號對於清晰的寫作至關重要。了解不同標點符號的用法,並仔細使用它們。例如:
    • 逗號:分隔項目清單和獨立子句。
    • 句號:結束句子。
  • 檢查其他常見錯誤:注意其他常見的寫作錯誤,例如單複數錯誤、主詞動詞一致錯誤和拼寫錯誤。例如:
    • 單複數錯誤:There are two cat in the house.(錯誤)
    • 正確:There are two cats in the house.




1. 我如何選擇正確的時態?

  • 確保時態與事件發生的時間一致。
  • 例如:
    • 過去式:I ate dinner yesterday.
    • 現在完成式:I have eaten dinner.

2. 我如何正確使用介系詞?

  • 了解不同介系詞的含義。
  • 選擇與你想要表達的關係相匹配的介系詞。
  • 例如:
    • 表示位置:on, in, at
    • 表示方向:to, from, towards

3. 我應該在寫作中使用慣用語和俚語嗎?

  • 在正式寫作中,避免使用慣用語和俚語。
  • 使用正式的語言。
  • 例如:
    • 慣用語:He is a big shot.
    • 正式語言:He is an important person.

4. 我如何正確使用標點符號?

  • 了解不同標點符號的用法。
  • 仔細使用它們。
  • 例如:
    • 逗號:分隔項目清單和獨立子句。
    • 句號:結束句子。

5. 我應該注意哪些其他常見的寫作錯誤?

  • 單複數錯誤:確保名詞與動詞在數上保持一致。
  • 主詞動詞一致錯誤:確保主詞和動詞在人稱和數上保持一致。
  • 拼寫錯誤:仔細檢查拼寫錯誤。
  • 例如:
    • 單複數錯誤:There are two cat in the house.(錯誤)
    • 正確:There are two cats in the house.

6. 我如何避免這些錯誤?

  • 了解常見的錯誤。
  • 練習避免這些錯誤。
  • 尋求反饋。


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