美式英文 vs 英式英文:用詞、拼字、文法全方位對比!





美式英語和英式英語在文法上也有一些細微的差異。例如,美國人在現在完成式中使用"have",而英國人在過去完成式中使用"have had"。美國人在過去式中使用"went to the store",而英國人在過去式中使用"went to the shop"。



  • 美式英語:I'm going to the store to buy some groceries.
  • 英式英語:I'm going to the shop to buy some groceries.

  • 美式英語:The car is faster than the bike.

  • 英式英語:The car is faster than the bicycle.

  • 美式英語:I have eaten breakfast and I'm ready to go.

  • 英式英語:I have had breakfast and I'm ready to go.


1. 用詞差異

1. 用詞差異


  • 美式英文 | 英式英文 | 例句
  • elevator | lift | I need to take the elevator to the 10th floor. / I need to take the lift to the 10th floor.
  • sidewalk | pavement | I'm walking on the sidewalk. / I'm walking on the pavement.
  • mailbox | letter box | I put the letter in the mailbox. / I put the letter in the letter box.
  • vacation | holiday | I'm going on vacation next week. / I'm going on holiday next week.
  • apartment | flat | I live in an apartment in the city center. / I live in a flat in the city centre.


  • 美式英文 | 英式英文
  • candy | sweets
  • sneakers | trainers
  • soda | fizzy drink
  • fries | chips
  • trunk | boot


美式英文 英式英文 中文意思
elevator lift 電梯
sidewalk pavement 人行道
mailbox letter box 信箱
vacation holiday 假期
apartment flat 公寓
candy sweets 糖果
sneakers trainers 運動鞋
soda fizzy drink 汽水
fries chips 薯條
trunk boot 汽車後車廂

2. 拼字差異

2. 拼字差異


  • 美式英文 | 英式英文 | 例句
  • color | colour | The color of the sky is blue. / The colour of the sky is blue.
  • theater | theatre | I'm going to the theater tonight. / I'm going to the theatre tonight.
  • center | centre | The city center is very crowded. / The city centre is very crowded.
  • favorite | favourite | My favorite color is blue. / My favourite colour is blue.


  • 美式英文 | 英式英文
  • honor | honour
  • defense | defence
  • realize | realise
  • recognize | recognise


美式英文 英式英文 中文意思
color colour 顏色
theater theatre 劇院
center centre 中心
favorite favourite 最喜歡的
honor honour 榮譽
defense defence 防禦
realize realise 意識到
recognize recognise 認出

3. 文法差異

3. 文法差異



  • 美式英文:I have eaten breakfast.
  • 英式英文:I have had breakfast.


  • I have eaten breakfast and I'm ready to go.
  • I have had breakfast and I'm ready to go.


  • 美式英文:I went to the store yesterday.
  • 英式英文:I went to the shop yesterday.


  • I went to the store yesterday to buy some groceries.
  • I went to the shop yesterday to buy some groceries.


  • 美式英文:The car is faster than the bike.
  • 英式英文:The car is faster than the bicycle.


  • The car is faster than the bike, but the bike is more fuel-efficient.
  • The car is faster than the bicycle, but the bicycle is more fuel-efficient.


美式英文 | 英式英文

  • I could care less. | I couldn't care less.
  • I guess so. | I suppose so.
  • He dove into the pool. | He dived into the pool.


特徵 美式英文 英式英文 中文意思
現在完成式 I have eaten breakfast. I have had breakfast. 我已經吃過早餐了。
過去式 I went to the store yesterday. I went to the shop yesterday. 我昨天去商店了。
比較級和最高級 The car is faster than the bike. The car is faster than the bicycle. 這輛車比那輛自行車快。





在文法方面,美式英語和英式英語在某些結構的使用上存在差異。例如,美國人在現在完成式中使用"have",而英國人在過去完成式中使用"have had"。美國人在過去式中使用"went to the store",而英國人在過去式中使用"went to the shop"。



  • 美式英語:I'm going to the store to buy some groceries.
  • 英式英語:I'm going to the shop to buy some groceries.

  • 美式英語:The car is faster than the bike.

  • 英式英語:The car is faster than the bicycle.

  • 美式英語:I have eaten breakfast and I'm ready to go.

  • 英式英語:I have had breakfast and I'm ready to go.



1. 美式英語和英式英語在用詞上有哪些常見差異?

  • 美式英語:elevator
  • 英式英語:lift

  • 美式英語:sidewalk

  • 英式英語:pavement

  • 美式英語:vacation

  • 英式英語:holiday

  • 美式英語:apartment

  • 英式英語:flat

2. 美式英語和英式英語在拼寫上有哪些常見差異?

  • 美式英語:color
  • 英式英語:colour

  • 美式英語:theater

  • 英式英語:theatre

  • 美式英語:center

  • 英式英語:centre

  • 美式英語:favorite

  • 英式英語:favourite

3. 美式英語和英式英語在文法上有哪些常見差異?

  • 現在完成式:

    • 美式英語:I have eaten breakfast.
    • 英式英語:I have had breakfast.
  • 過去式:

    • 美式英語:I went to the store yesterday.
    • 英式英語:I went to the shop yesterday.
  • 比較級和最高級:

    • 美式英語:The car is faster than the bike.
    • 英式英語:The car is faster than the bicycle.


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