





  • 建立人脈:掌握問候、自我介紹和寒暄的技巧,為建立牢固的關係奠定基礎。
  • 有效溝通:學習基本對話、討論天氣和詢問方向的常用短語,確保清晰而有效的訊息傳遞。
  • 專業交流:了解如何準確討論時間和數字,並自信地詢問和提供個人資訊和協助。
  • 影響力與說服力:掌握表達意見和建議的技巧,在商務會議和談判中展現您的專業知識和影響力。



1. 問候與寒暄

1. 問候與寒暄

1. 問候與寒暄



問候語 用法
Good morning/afternoon/evening. 依據時間不同使用。
Hello. 通用問候語,可用於任何時間。
Hi. 較為隨興的問候語,適合非正式場合。
How are you? 禮貌性問候,通常用於寒暄。
How do you do? 較正式的問候語,常在初次見面時使用。


回應 用法
Good morning/afternoon/evening (too). 依據時間不同回應。
I'm well, thank you. 禮貌性回應,表示自己很好。
I'm doing well. 較為簡潔的回應,表示自己狀況良好。
How are you? 反問對方,表示關心。
I'm pleased to meet you. 初次見面時使用,表示很高興認識對方。



  • 天氣:例如,"It's a beautiful day today."
  • 工作:例如,"How are things at work?"
  • 週末:例如,"Did you have a good weekend?"
  • 旅行:例如,"Have you traveled anywhere recently?"
  • 共同認識的人或事物:例如,"I heard John is doing well in his new role."


  • 在正式場合應使用較為正式的問候語。
  • 與對方握手時應保持眼神接觸並微笑。
  • 寒暄應簡短且適度,避免過於冗長或深入。
  • 適時關注對方的非語言線索,例如面部表情和肢體語言。

2. 介紹與自我介紹

2. 介紹與自我介紹

2. 介紹與自我介紹



  • 步驟:

    1. 清楚地說出自己的姓名。
    2. 說明自己的職稱和公司。
    3. 簡要說明自己的專業背景或經驗。
    4. 適時加入破冰話題或寒暄用語。
  • 常用語句:

    • "Hello, my name is [你的姓名]."
    • "I am [你的職稱] at [你的公司]."
    • "I have been working in the [你的專業領域] industry for [你的經驗年數] years."
    • "I am pleased to meet you."
    • "I am looking forward to working with you."


  • 步驟:

    1. 先介紹被介紹人的姓名。
    2. 說明被介紹人的職稱和公司。
    3. 說明被介紹人與介紹人或在場其他人的關係(如果有的話)。
    4. 適時補充被介紹人的背景或成就。
  • 常用語句:

    • "This is [被介紹人的姓名], [被介紹人的職稱] at [被介紹人的公司]."
    • "[被介紹人的姓名] is a colleague of mine."
    • "[被介紹人的姓名] has been working on a similar project as ours."
    • "I am confident that you will find [被介紹人的姓名] to be a valuable resource."


  • 自我介紹和介紹他人時應保持簡潔明瞭。
  • 眼神接觸和微笑有助於建立聯繫。
  • 適時使用名片交換。
  • 在正式場合應使用較為正式的語言。


情境 自我介紹範例
初次見面 "Hello, my name is John Smith. I am the CEO of ABC Company."
行業會議 "Good morning, everyone. My name is Mary Johnson and I am a marketing manager at XYZ Corporation. I am excited to be here today to share our latest marketing strategies."
社交場合 "Hi, I'm Tom. I am a software engineer at Microsoft. Nice to meet you."

3. 基本對話

3. 基本對話

3. 基本對話



  • 自我介紹和寒暄
  • 詢問和提供資訊
  • 安排會議和約會
  • 討論工作進度和專案
  • 協商和解決問題


  • 詢問資訊:
    • "Can you please provide me with some information about..."
    • "Could you give me an update on..."
    • "I would like to know more about..."
  • 提供資訊:
    • "Sure, I can provide you with the following information..."
    • "Here is an update on the project..."
    • "I can share some insights on that topic..."
  • 安排會議和約會:
    • "Would you be available to meet on [日期] at [時間]?"
    • "Can we schedule a call next week to discuss this further?"
    • "I would like to arrange a meeting to go over the details."
  • 討論工作進度和專案:
    • "How is the project progressing?"
    • "What are the next steps in the process?"
    • "Can you share the latest deliverables?"
  • 協商和解決問題:
    • "I understand your concerns. Let's explore some possible solutions."
    • "Can we compromise on this issue?"
    • "I would like to propose an alternative approach..."


  • 商務對話應保持專業和禮貌。
  • 避免使用俚語或行話。
  • 適時使用過渡詞和連接詞,例如 "however"、"therefore" 和 "in addition"。
  • 傾聽對方的觀點並適時提出問題。
  • 總結對話內容並確認理解。


情境 對話範例
詢問資訊 "Can you please provide me with some information about your company's financial performance?"
提供資訊 "Sure, I can share our latest quarterly report with you."
安排會議 "Would you be available to meet on Friday at 10 am to discuss the proposal?"
討論工作進度 "How is the project progressing? Have you encountered any challenges?"
協商 "I understand your concerns about the budget. Can we explore some alternative cost-saving measures?"

4. 談論天氣

4. 談論天氣

4. 談論天氣



  • 描述天氣:
    • Sunny (晴朗)
    • Cloudy (多雲)
    • Rainy (下雨)
    • Snowy (下雪)
    • Windy (颳風)
    • Humid (潮濕)
    • Dry (乾燥)
  • 詢問天氣:
    • "What's the weather like today?"
    • "Is it going to rain later?"
    • "How's the weather in your city?"
  • 回應天氣:
    • "It's a beautiful day today."
    • "I hope it doesn't rain during our meeting."
    • "The weather has been quite unpredictable lately."


  • 開場白:

    • "Good morning, John. It's a lovely day today, isn't it?"
    • "Hello, Mary. I see it's raining outside. I hope you didn't get caught in the rain."
  • 寒暄:

    • "The weather has been quite mild this winter."
    • "I'm looking forward to the warmer weather in the spring."
    • "I heard there's a chance of snow tomorrow."
  • 轉換話題:

    • "Speaking of weather, how is the project coming along?"
    • "I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the new marketing campaign."
    • "I hope the weather doesn't affect our travel plans."


  • 談論天氣應簡短且適度,避免過度深入。
  • 適時轉換話題,避免對話流於平淡。
  • 關注對方的回應,並適時調整對話內容。


情境 對話範例
開場白 "Good afternoon, Ms. Smith. It's a beautiful day today."
寒暄 "Yes, it is. I'm glad we have such nice weather for our meeting."
轉換話題 "Speaking of weather, I understand you're from California. How does the weather there compare to New York?"

5. 詢問和提供方向

5. 詢問和提供方向

5. 詢問和提供方向



  • 禮貌用語:
    • "Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to..."
    • "I'm looking for [地點名稱]. Can you point me in the right direction?"
  • 具體詢問:
    • "Which way is [地標名稱]?"
    • "How do I get to [地址] from here?"
    • "Is there a shortcut to [目的地]?"


  • 清晰簡潔:
    • "Go straight down this road for about 500 meters."
    • "Turn left at the next intersection."
    • "It's on your right-hand side."
  • 使用地標:
    • "You will pass a large park on your left."
    • "It's next to the coffee shop."
    • "Look for the building with the blue sign."
  • 提供其他資訊:
    • "It will take you about 10 minutes to walk there."
    • "There is a bus stop nearby if you prefer."
    • "I recommend taking a taxi if you're in a hurry."


  • 詢問方向:
    • "Excuse me, I'm looking for the conference center. Can you tell me how to get there?"
  • 提供方向:
    • "Sure. Go straight down this road for about 500 meters. Then turn left at the next intersection. The conference center will be on your right-hand side, next to the large park."


  • 詢問方向時應禮貌且明確。
  • 提供方向時應清晰簡潔,使用具體的地標和距離。
  • 適時提供其他有用的資訊,例如交通方式和所需時間。


情境 對話範例
詢問方向 "I'm looking for the nearest train station. Can you point me in the right direction?"
提供方向 "It's about a 10-minute walk from here. Go straight down this road and turn left at the next intersection. The train station will be on your left-hand side."

6. 討論時間

6. 討論時間

6. 討論時間



  • 時間單位:
    • hour (小時)
    • minute (分鐘)
    • second (秒)
  • 時間表示法:
    • 10:00 AM (上午 10 點)
    • 3:30 PM (下午 3 點 30 分)
    • 8:00 PM (晚上 8 點)
  • 時間段:
    • morning (上午)
    • afternoon (下午)
    • evening (晚上)


  • 禮貌用語:
    • "Excuse me, do you have the time?"
    • "Could you please tell me what time it is?"
  • 具體詢問:
    • "What time is it right now?"
    • "What time does the meeting start?"
    • "What time will the flight depart?"


  • 清晰簡潔:
    • "It's 10:00 AM."
    • "The meeting starts at 3:30 PM."
    • "The flight departs at 8:00 PM."
  • 使用時間段:
    • "It's early morning."
    • "The meeting is this afternoon."
    • "The event will be held in the evening."


  • 詢問時間:
    • "Excuse me, what time is it?"
  • 提供時間:

    • "It's 10:15 AM."
  • 詢問會議時間:

    • "Could you please tell me what time the meeting starts?"
  • 提供會議時間:
    • "The meeting starts at 3:00 PM."


  • 詢問時間時應禮貌且明確。
  • 提供時間時應清晰簡潔,使用正確的時間格式。
  • 適時使用時間段,例如 "morning" 或 "afternoon",以簡化對話。


情境 對話範例
詢問時間 "Excuse me, do you have the time?"
提供時間 "It's 9:45 AM."
詢問會議時間 "What time does the conference call start?"
提供會議時間 "The conference call starts at 11:00 AM."

7. 討論數字

7. 討論數字

7. 討論數字



  • 數字:
    • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • 位數:
    • hundred (百)
    • thousand (千)
    • million (百萬)
    • billion (十億)
  • 小數:
    • point (點)
    • decimal (小數)


  • 禮貌用語:
    • "Could you please tell me the number of..."
    • "I would like to know the amount of..."
  • 具體詢問:
    • "What is the total sales for last quarter?"
    • "How many units were sold in January?"
    • "What is the percentage increase in revenue?"


  • 清晰簡潔:
    • "The total sales for last quarter were $10 million."
    • "We sold 5,000 units in January."
    • "The revenue increased by 15%."
  • 使用數字分隔符號:
    • Use commas (,) to separate thousands.
    • Use periods (.) to separate decimals.


  • 詢問銷售數字:
    • "Could you please tell me the total sales for the year?"
  • 提供銷售數字:

    • "The total sales for the year were $25 million."
  • 詢問單位數量:

    • "How many units were produced last month?"
  • 提供單位數量:
    • "We produced 10,000 units last month."


  • 詢問數字時應禮貌且明確。
  • 提供數字時應清晰簡潔,使用正確的數字格式。
  • 適時使用數字分隔符號,以提高數字的可讀性。


情境 對話範例
詢問銷售額 "What is the total sales for the first quarter?"
提供銷售額 "The total sales for the first quarter were $12,500,000."
詢問銷售成長率 "What is the percentage increase in sales compared to last year?"
提供銷售成長率 "The sales increased by 12.5% compared to last year."

8. 詢問和提供個人資訊

8. 詢問和提供個人資訊

8. 詢問和提供個人資訊



  • 禮貌用語:
    • "Could you please tell me your name?"
    • "I would like to know your email address."
  • 具體詢問:
    • "What is your job title?"
    • "Where are you from?"
    • "What are your hobbies?"


  • 清晰簡潔:
    • "My name is John Smith."
    • "My email address is john.smith@company.com."
  • 專業化:
    • When providing your job title, focus on your professional role.
    • When sharing personal information, be mindful of the context and keep it brief.


  • 詢問姓名:
    • "Could you please tell me your name?"
  • 提供姓名:

    • "My name is Mary Johnson."
  • 詢問職位:

    • "What is your job title?"
  • 提供職位:

    • "I am the Marketing Manager at ABC Company."
  • 詢問興趣:

    • "What are your hobbies?"
  • 提供興趣:
    • "I enjoy reading, traveling, and playing tennis."


  • 詢問個人資訊時應禮貌且適度。
  • 提供個人資訊時應清晰簡潔,並注意隱私問題。
  • 根據不同的文化背景和社交場合調整你的詢問和提供方式。


情境 對話範例
詢問姓名 "Could you please tell me your name?"
提供姓名 "My name is David Chen."
詢問職位 "What is your job title?"
提供職位 "I am the CEO of XYZ Corporation."
詢問興趣 "What are your hobbies?"
提供興趣 "I enjoy hiking, photography, and cooking."

9. 詢問和提供協助

9. 詢問和提供協助

9. 詢問和提供協助



  • 禮貌用語:
    • "Could you please help me with..."
    • "I would appreciate it if you could assist me with..."
  • 具體請求:
    • "Can you show me how to use this software?"
    • "I need help finding a specific file."
    • "Could you review this document for me?"


  • 積極主動:
    • "I would be happy to help."
    • "Let me see how I can assist you."
  • 能力範圍:
    • When offering assistance, be mindful of your capabilities and limitations.
    • If you are unable to help, politely refer the person to someone who can.


  • 詢問協助:
    • "Could you please help me troubleshoot this technical issue?"
  • 提供協助:

    • "Sure, I can help you with that."
  • 詢問文件審閱:

    • "I would appreciate it if you could review this presentation before I send it to the client."
  • 提供協助:

    • "I'll be happy to take a look and provide feedback."
  • 詢問資料查找:

    • "I need help finding the latest sales report."
  • 提供協助:
    • "Let me check our shared drive and see if I can locate it."


  • 詢問協助時應禮貌且明確。
  • 提供協助時應積極主動,並根據自己的能力範圍提供協助。
  • 在提供協助的過程中保持耐心和專業。


情境 對話範例
詢問技術協助 "Could you please help me troubleshoot this software issue?"
提供技術協助 "Sure, I can help you with that. Can you describe the problem?"
詢問文件審閱 "I would appreciate it if you could review this proposal before I submit it."
提供文件審閱 "I'll be happy to take a look and provide feedback."
詢問資料查找 "I need help finding the latest financial report."
提供資料查找 "Let me check our shared drive and see if I can locate it."

10. 表達意見和建議

10. 表達意見和建議

10. 表達意見和建議



  • 禮貌用語:
    • "I would like to share my thoughts on..."
    • "I have a different perspective on this matter."
  • 具體表達:
    • "I believe that the proposed strategy has several potential risks."
    • "I recommend that we consider alternative options before making a decision."


  • 積極主動:
    • "I would like to propose a solution to the problem."
    • "I have an idea that could improve our current process."
  • 可行性:
    • When making suggestions, ensure that they are feasible and practical.
    • Be prepared to provide rationale and evidence to support your suggestions.


  • 表達意見:
    • "I would like to share my concerns about the proposed budget."
  • 提出建議:

    • "I suggest that we allocate a larger portion of the budget to marketing initiatives."
  • 表達不同觀點:

    • "I have a different perspective on this issue. I believe that the current approach is not effective."
  • 提出替代方案:

    • "I recommend that we explore a more customer-centric approach."
  • 徵求意見:

    • "I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter."
  • 接受建議:
    • "Thank you for your suggestion. I will consider it carefully."


  • 表達意見和建議時應禮貌且尊重他人觀點。
  • 提供具體且可行的意見和建議。
  • 在提出意見或建議之前,應仔細考慮並準備充分。
  • 酢機傾聽他人的意見,並適時調整自己的觀點。


情境 對話範例
表達對策略的意見 "I have concerns about the proposed strategy. I believe it relies too heavily on external factors."
提出替代策略 "I suggest that we develop a more comprehensive strategy that takes into account both internal and external factors."
徵求意見 "I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter before we make a decision."
接受建議 "Thank you for your suggestion. I will consider it and discuss it with the team."




  • 問候和自我介紹:學習得體的問候語、自我介紹方式和寒暄技巧,為建立牢固的關係奠定基礎。
  • 基本對話:掌握詢問和提供資訊、安排會議和約會以及討論工作進度和專案的常用短語,確保清晰的訊息傳遞。
  • 專業交流:了解如何準確討論時間和數字,並自信地詢問和提供個人資訊和協助,體現您的專業素養。
  • 影響力與說服力:掌握表達意見和建議的技巧,在商務會議和談判中展現您的專業知識和影響力。



  • 適應不同的文化背景:了解不同的文化背景和語言習慣,並根據需要調整您的溝通方式。
  • 練習和反覆:練習這些短語和表達方式,直到它們成為您自然語言的一部分。
  • 尋求回饋:請同事或朋友提供回饋,以改進您的發音和表達方式。




1. 我需要學習所有 100 個句子嗎?

雖然學習所有 100 個句子會非常有幫助,但您也可以根據自己的具體需求和互動情境選擇學習其中一部分句子。

2. 如何練習這些句子?


3. 我在與外國人士交談時感到緊張。有什麼建議嗎?

  • 事先準備:練習您可能需要使用的句子和短語。
  • 保持放鬆:深呼吸,專注於溝通,而不是完美。
  • 尋求幫助:如果您遇到困難,請不要猶豫向同事或朋友尋求幫助。

4. 我如何適應不同的文化背景?


5. 我犯了語法或發音錯誤怎麼辦?


6. 如何提高我的英語溝通能力?

  • 持續學習:閱讀、觀看電影和與以英語為母語的人士交談。
  • 尋求回饋:請同事或朋友提供回饋,以改進您的發音和表達方式。
  • 保持耐心:提高英語溝通能力需要時間和努力。

7. 我可以在哪些場合使用這些句子?





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