1. 打招呼與自我介紹
1. 打招呼與自我介紹
- 打招呼:
- Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening(視時間而定)
- How do you do?
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- 自我介紹:
- My name is [你的名字] from [你的公司/機構].
- I am [你的職稱].
- I am pleased to be here.
- 打招呼:
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.
- 自我介紹:
- I'm [你的名字].
- I work for [你的公司/機構].
- I'm from [你的國家].
- 打招呼:
- Hey.
- What's up?
- How's it going?
- 自我介紹:
- I'm [你的名字].
- I'm just a tourist here.
- I'm looking forward to exploring your city.
- 眼神接觸:在自我介紹時,保持適當的眼神接觸,展現自信和尊重。
- 肢體語言:握手時,應力道適中,避免過於用力或過於軟弱。
- 名片交換:在正式場合,可以適時交換名片,以便後續聯繫。
- 學習當地語言:若時間許可,學習一些基本的當地語言,例如問候語或感謝用語,可以展現你的誠意和尊重。
場合 | 打招呼 | 自我介紹 |
正式 | Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening How do you do? It's a pleasure to meet you. |
My name is [你的名字] from [你的公司/機構]. I am [你的職稱]. I am pleased to be here. |
半正式 | Hello. Hi. Nice to meet you. |
I'm [你的名字]. I work for [你的公司/機構]. I'm from [你的國家]. |
非正式 | Hey. What's up? How's it going? |
I'm [你的名字]. I'm just a tourist here. I'm looking forward to exploring your city. |
2. 詢問住宿
2. 詢問住宿
- 詢問是否有空房:
- Do you have any vacancies for tonight / [入住日期]?
- Are there any rooms available for [入住日期] to [退房日期]?
- 詢問房型和價格:
- What types of rooms do you have available?
- How much is a [房型] per night?
- 詢問是否有空房:
- I'm looking for a room for tonight / [入住日期]. Do you have anything available?
- I need a room from [入住日期] to [退房日期]. Do you have any availability?
- 詢問房型和價格:
- What kind of rooms do you have?
- What's the rate for a [房型] per night?
- 詢問是否有空房:
- Got any rooms for tonight / [入住日期]?
- Do you have any rooms available for [入住日期] to [退房日期]?
- 詢問房型和價格:
- What rooms do you have?
- How much is it for a [房型] per night?
- 禮貌用語:在詢問住宿時,應使用禮貌的用語,例如 "please" 和 "thank you."
- 提供具體需求:清楚說明你的入住和退房日期,以及所需的房型(例如單人房、雙人房或套房)。
- 詢問額外設施:如有需要,可以詢問額外的設施,例如免費 Wi-Fi、早餐或機場接送服務。
- 預訂確認:在預訂住宿後,請務必確認預訂詳情,包括入住和退房日期、房型和價格。
場合 | 詢問是否有空房 | 詢問房型和價格 |
正式 | Do you have any vacancies for tonight / [入住日期]? Are there any rooms available for [入住日期] to [退房日期]? |
What types of rooms do you have available? How much is a [房型] per night? |
半正式 | I'm looking for a room for tonight / [入住日期]. Do you have anything available? I need a room from [入住日期] to [退房日期]. Do you have any availability? |
What kind of rooms do you have? What's the rate for a [房型] per night? |
非正式 | Got any rooms for tonight / [入住日期]? Do you have any rooms available for [入住日期] to [退房日期]? |
What rooms do you have? How much is it for a [房型] per night? |
3. 購買交通票券
3. 購買交通票券
- 詢問票券種類:
- What types of tickets do you have available?
- Do you have any passes or discounts for multiple rides?
- 詢問票券價格:
- How much is a [票券類型] ticket?
- What is the fare for a [目的地] ticket?
- 購買票券:
- I would like to purchase a [票券類型] ticket to [目的地].
- Please issue me a [票券類型] ticket for [目的地].
- 詢問票券種類:
- What kind of tickets do you have?
- Do you offer any passes or discounts?
- 詢問票券價格:
- How much is a [票券類型] ticket?
- What's the fare to [目的地]?
- 購買票券:
- I need a [票券類型] ticket to [目的地].
- I'd like to buy a [票券類型] ticket for [目的地].
- 詢問票券種類:
- What tickets do you have?
- Got any passes or discounts?
- 詢問票券價格:
- How much is a [票券類型] ticket?
- What's the fare to [目的地]?
- 購買票券:
- I need a ticket to [目的地].
- I want to buy a [票券類型] ticket for [目的地].
- 清楚說明需求:說明你需要的票券類型、目的地和數量。
- 詢問優惠:如有需要,詢問是否有任何優惠或折扣,例如團體票或學生票。
- 確認票券資訊:在購買票券前,確認票券的有效期、使用範圍和退換票規定。
- 保留收據:妥善保管購買票券的收據,以備不時之需。
場合 | 詢問票券種類 | 詢問票券價格 | 購買票券 |
正式 | What types of tickets do you have available? Do you have any passes or discounts for multiple rides? |
How much is a [票券類型] ticket? What is the fare for a [目的地] ticket? |
I would like to purchase a [票券類型] ticket to [目的地]. Please issue me a [票券類型] ticket for [目的地]. |
半正式 | What kind of tickets do you have? Do you offer any passes or discounts? |
How much is a [票券類型] ticket? What's the fare to [目的地]? |
I need a [票券類型] ticket to [目的地]. I'd like to buy a [票券類型] ticket for [目的地]. |
非正式 | What tickets do you have? Got any passes or discounts? |
How much is a [票券類型] ticket? What's the fare to [目的地]? |
I need a ticket to [目的地]. I want to buy a [票券類型] ticket for [目的地]. |
4. 在餐廳點餐
4. 在餐廳點餐
- 詢問菜單:
- May I see the menu, please?
- Do you have an English menu?
- 點餐:
- I would like to order the [菜名].
- I'll have the [菜名], please.
- 詢問飲料:
- What would you recommend to drink with my meal?
- I'll have a glass of [飲料名稱], please.
- 詢問菜單:
- Can I have a menu, please?
- Do you have a menu in English?
- 點餐:
- I'd like to get the [菜名].
- I'll take the [菜名], please.
- 詢問飲料:
- What do you recommend for drinks?
- I'll have a [飲料名稱], please.
- 詢問菜單:
- Menu, please.
- Got an English menu?
- 點餐:
- I want the [菜名].
- I'll have the [菜名], thanks.
- 詢問飲料:
- What's good to drink here?
- I'll have a [飲料名稱].
- 禮貌用語:在點餐時,應使用禮貌的用語,例如 "please" 和 "thank you."
- 清楚說明需求:明確說明你點的菜名和數量。
- 詢問特殊需求:如有任何飲食限制或過敏,請務必事先告知服務生。
- 確認訂單:在點餐完畢後,請服務生確認你的訂單,以避免出錯。
場合 | 詢問菜單 | 點餐 | 詢問飲料 |
正式 | May I see the menu, please? Do you have an English menu? |
I would like to order the [菜名]. I'll have the [菜名], please. |
What would you recommend to drink with my meal? I'll have a glass of [飲料名稱], please. |
半正式 | Can I have a menu, please? Do you have a menu in English? |
I'd like to get the [菜名]. I'll take the [菜名], please. |
What do you recommend for drinks? I'll have a [飲料名稱], please. |
非正式 | Menu, please. Got an English menu? |
I want the [菜名]. I'll have the [菜名], thanks. |
What's good to drink here? I'll have a [飲料名稱]. |
5. 詢問路況與景點
5. 詢問路況與景點
- 詢問路況:
- Excuse me, how do I get to [目的地]?
- Could you please give me directions to [目的地]?
- 詢問景點:
- What are the must-see attractions in this area?
- Can you recommend any historical landmarks nearby?
- 詢問路況:
- Hi, I'm looking for [目的地]. Could you help me with directions?
- I'm trying to get to [目的地]. Can you tell me the best way to go?
- 詢問景點:
- What are some popular tourist spots around here?
- Do you know of any interesting places to visit nearby?
- 詢問路況:
- Hey, how do I get to [目的地]?
- Yo, can you tell me how to get to [目的地]?
- 詢問景點:
- What's worth checking out around here?
- Any cool places to see nearby?
- 禮貌用語:在詢問路況或景點時,應使用禮貌的用語,例如 "excuse me" 和 "please."
- 清楚說明需求:明確說明你的目的地或景點類型。
- 提供具體資訊:如果可能,提供你目前的所在地或出發點,以便對方提供更準確的指示。
- 表達謝意:在獲得協助後,請務必表達謝意。
場合 | 詢問路況 | 詢問景點 |
正式 | Excuse me, how do I get to [目的地]? Could you please give me directions to [目的地]? |
What are the must-see attractions in this area? Can you recommend any historical landmarks nearby? |
半正式 | Hi, I'm looking for [目的地]. Could you help me with directions? I'm trying to get to [目的地]. Can you tell me the best way to go? |
What are some popular tourist spots around here? Do you know of any interesting places to visit nearby? |
非正式 | Hey, how do I get to [目的地]? Yo, can you tell me how to get to [目的地]? |
What's worth checking out around here? Any cool places to see nearby? |
6. 緊急救助
6. 緊急救助
- 尋求醫療救助:
- Excuse me, I need medical attention.
- I require immediate medical assistance.
- 報警:
- I need to report a crime.
- There is an emergency. Please call the police.
- 尋求領事協助:
- I need to contact my embassy.
- I have lost my passport.
- 尋求醫療救助:
- I'm not feeling well. Can you help me find a doctor?
- I need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
- 報警:
- I witnessed a crime. Can you call the police?
- There's an emergency situation. Please help me.
- 尋求領事協助:
- I need to speak to someone from my embassy.
- I've lost my passport. Can you help me?
- 尋求醫療救助:
- I need a doctor.
- Can you help me find a hospital?
- 報警:
- I saw a crime happen. Call the cops!
- There's an emergency. Help!
- 尋求領事協助:
- I need to contact my embassy.
- I lost my passport.
- 冷靜應對:在緊急情況下,保持冷靜並清晰地表達你的需求。
- 提供具體資訊:清楚說明你的狀況、受傷部位或犯罪類型。
- 重複你的請求:必要時,重複你的請求,以確保對方了解你的需求。
- 尋求協助:不要猶豫向路人或酒店工作人員尋求協助。
場合 | 尋求醫療救助 | 報警 | 尋求領事協助 |
正式 | Excuse me, I need medical attention. I require immediate medical assistance. |
I need to report a crime. There is an emergency. Please call the police. |
I need to contact my embassy. I have lost my passport. |
半正式 | I'm not feeling well. Can you help me find a doctor? I need to see a doctor as soon as possible. |
I witnessed a crime. Can you call the police? There's an emergency situation. Please help me. |
I need to speak to someone from my embassy. I've lost my passport. Can you help me? |
非正式 | I need a doctor. Can you help me find a hospital? |
I saw a crime happen. Call the cops! There's an emergency. Help! |
I need to contact my embassy. I lost my passport. |
7. 換匯與購物
7. 換匯與購物
- 換匯:
- Excuse me, where can I exchange currency?
- I would like to exchange [金額] [幣別] into [幣別].
- 購物:
- I'm interested in purchasing this [商品名稱].
- Can you assist me with finding the right size?
- 換匯:
- Hi, I need to exchange some money.
- I'm looking for a place to exchange [金額] [幣別] into [幣別].
- 購物:
- I'd like to buy this [商品名稱].
- Could you show me other options in this style?
- 換匯:
- Hey, where can I change some money?
- I need to convert [金額] [幣別] to [幣別].
- 購物:
- I want to get this [商品名稱].
- Do you have this in a different color?
- 禮貌用語:在換匯或購物時,應使用禮貌的用語,例如 "excuse me" 和 "please."
- 清楚說明需求:明確說明你想要換匯的金額和幣別,或你感興趣的商品。
- 詢問匯率:在換匯前,詢問目前的匯率。
- 核對金額:在完成換匯或購物後,核對金額是否正確。
場合 | 換匯 | 購物 |
正式 | Excuse me, where can I exchange currency? I would like to exchange [金額] [幣別] into [幣別]. |
I'm interested in purchasing this [商品名稱]. Can you assist me with finding the right size? |
半正式 | Hi, I need to exchange some money. I'm looking for a place to exchange [金額] [幣別] into [幣別]. |
I'd like to buy this [商品名稱]. Could you show me other options in this style? |
非正式 | Hey, where can I change some money? I need to convert [金額] [幣別] to [幣別]. |
I want to get this [商品名稱]. Do you have this in a different color? |
8. 道別與感謝
8. 道別與感謝
- 道別:
- It was a pleasure meeting you.
- Thank you for your time and hospitality.
- 感謝:
- I appreciate your assistance during my stay.
- Thank you for your warm welcome and support.
- 道別:
- It was nice meeting you.
- Thanks for your help and support.
- 感謝:
- I appreciate your time and consideration.
- Thank you for making my stay enjoyable.
- 道別:
- Nice to meet you.
- Thanks for everything.
- 感謝:
- I appreciate your help.
- Thanks for showing me around.
- 真誠表達:真誠地表達你的感謝和道別。
- 具體說明:如果可能,具體說明你感謝對方協助的事項。
- 使用禮貌用語:在道別和感謝時,應使用禮貌的用語,例如 "thank you" 和 "appreciate."
- 適當的手勢:適當地握手或鞠躬,以示尊重和感謝。
場合 | 道別 | 感謝 |
正式 | It was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for your time and hospitality. |
I appreciate your assistance during my stay. Thank you for your warm welcome and support. |
半正式 | It was nice meeting you. Thanks for your help and support. |
I appreciate your time and consideration. Thank you for making my stay enjoyable. |
非正式 | Nice to meet you. Thanks for everything. |
I appreciate your help. Thanks for showing me around. |
1. 我是商務人士,第一次出國旅遊,應該如何準備我的英語溝通?
- 學習本指南提供的八大類必備英語句型,並熟練運用它們。
- 熟悉商務場合中的適當禮儀和用語。
- 考慮攜帶一本袖珍英語詞典或使用翻譯應用程式,以備不時之需。
2. 在正式場合,我應該如何向當地客戶自我介紹?
- 使用正式的問候語,例如 "Good morning" 或 "Good afternoon."
- 清楚地說明你的姓名、職稱和公司名稱。
- 保持適當的眼神接觸,並面帶微笑。
3. 我在國外遇到緊急情況,如何尋求幫助?
- 保持冷靜並清晰地表達你的需求。
- 使用本指南提供的緊急救助句型,例如 "I need medical attention" 或 "I need to report a crime."
- 尋求路人或酒店工作人員的協助,他們可以幫助你聯繫緊急服務。
4. 我想在當地購買紀念品,如何詢問價格和殺價?
- 使用禮貌的用語,例如 "Excuse me, how much is this?"
- 如果可能,先詢問周圍商店的價格,以便議價時心中有底。
- 準備好使用當地貨幣進行付款,並避免在公共場合大聲討價還價。
5. 我在國外迷路了,如何詢問路況?
- 使用本指南提供的詢問路況句型,例如 "Excuse me, how do I get to [目的地]?"
- 清楚地說明你的目的地,並提供你目前的所在地或出發點。
- 耐心地聽取指示,並在必要時向路人再次確認。