








  • Reading original texts in English is essential for improving your language skills and expanding your knowledge.
  • However, the language used in original texts can be challenging, and the cultural context may be unfamiliar to non-native speakers.
  • Therefore, it is crucial to master effective reading strategies to navigate the complexities of original texts.
  • The first part of this book will explore the secrets to cracking open original texts, from previewing the text to active reading, vocabulary building, and understanding grammar structures.
  • The second part features a seasoned translation expert who will share their insights on advanced English reading.


1. 破解英文原文書的秘訣

1. 破解英文原文書的秘訣


1. 預習課文:

  • 瀏覽章節標題、小標題和關鍵詞。
  • 根據標題預測文章的主旨和結構。
  • 檢視問題或練習題,以了解文章的重點。

例如: Chapter 1: The Importance of Sleep

Keywords: sleep, health, cognition

Prediction: This chapter will likely discuss the benefits of sleep for physical and mental health.

2. 主動閱讀:

  • 專注於理解,而不是逐字翻譯。
  • 使用螢光筆或註解標記重要的句子和段落。
  • 定期停下來總結你讀過的內容。

例如: The research has consistently shown that sleep deprivation can lead to a decline in cognitive function, including memory, attention, and problem-solving.

Summary: Sleep is essential for optimal cognitive performance.

3. 培養詞彙量:

  • 使用字典或線上資源查詢不熟悉的單字。
  • 學習單字的字根、字首和字尾,以擴展你的詞彙量。
  • 透過閱讀不同的文本和主題,接觸新的單字。


  • Deprivation: the state of being deprived of something
  • Decline: a decrease in quality or quantity
  • Cognitive function: the mental processes involved in acquiring knowledge and understanding

4. 理解文法結構:

  • 熟悉不同的句型、時態和語態。
  • 分析複雜句子的結構,找出主詞、動詞和受詞。
  • 練習將句子改寫成不同的形式。

例如: The research has demonstrated that sleep deprivation has a negative impact on cognitive function. Passive voice: Cognitive function has been negatively impacted by sleep deprivation.

5. 善用資源:

  • 諮詢教授、助教或同儕,尋求幫助。
  • 使用線上資源,如字典、翻譯工具和討論區。
  • 參加讀書會或小組討論,與他人分享見解。


2. 翻譯專家的深入英文閱讀指南

2. 翻譯專家的深入英文閱讀指南


1. 掌握原文:

  • 仔細閱讀原文,確保你理解每句話和段落的含義。
  • 查詢不熟悉的單字或片語,並了解其在上下文中的用法。
  • 分析句子的結構和文法,找出主詞、動詞和受詞。

例如: The company announced that it would be investing heavily in renewable energy projects.


  • Subject: The company
  • Verb: announced
  • Object: that it would be investing heavily in renewable energy projects

2. 理解作者的意圖:

  • 確定文章的主旨句或段落,了解作者的主要論點。
  • 找出文章的結構和組織方式,包括引言、正文和結論。
  • 考慮文章的語氣和風格,以及作者的觀點。

例如: The article argues that climate change is a serious threat to the planet and that immediate action is needed to mitigate its effects.

Author's intention: To persuade readers of the urgency of addressing climate change.

3. 傳達原文的意義:

  • 使用與原文相似的句型和語法結構。
  • 確保你的翻譯準確傳達原文的含義,包括細微差別和ニュアンス。
  • 避免逐字翻譯,應根據目標語言的慣用語法和表達方式進行調整。

例如: 原文: The government has taken steps to address the issue of climate change. 翻譯: 政府已採取措施應對氣候變遷問題。

4. 注意文化差異:

  • 了解原文的文化背景,並考慮文化差異如何影響語言的使用。
  • 避免使用可能在目標文化中引起誤解或冒犯的用語。
  • 適當地調整文化特有的概念和表達方式。

例如: 原文: The company's new product was a huge hit with consumers. 翻譯: 該公司的新品在消費者中大受好評。

5. 校對和潤飾:

  • 仔細校對你的翻譯,檢查是否有文法、拼字和標點符號錯誤。
  • 尋求他人的回饋,以確保你的翻譯清晰、流暢且符合預期目的。
  • 根據需要進行潤飾,以改善翻譯的整體品質。











  • Congratulations on completing "Cracking the Code of Original Texts: A Translator's Guide to Advanced English Reading!"
  • Through the guidance of this book, you have significantly enhanced your English reading skills and gained the confidence to conquer original texts and engage in international communication.
  • We explored key techniques for unlocking original texts, including previewing, active reading, vocabulary building, and understanding grammar structures.
  • These techniques provide a solid foundation for English reading, enabling you to comprehend complex texts with greater ease.
  • We also consulted a seasoned translation expert for insights on advanced English reading.
  • This expert shared how professional translators approach understanding the original text, conveying meaning, handling cultural nuances, and performing proofreading and editing.
  • By learning these techniques, you have developed a more comprehensive English reading ability, allowing you to accurately understand original texts and translate them fluently into your native language.


1. 如何預習英文原文書?

  • Answer: Preview the chapter headings, subheadings, and key terms. Predict the main topic and structure of the chapter based on the headings. Review any questions or exercises to identify the chapter's focus.

2. 主動閱讀英文原文書的技巧是什麼?

  • Answer: Focus on understanding rather than translating word for word. Highlight or annotate important sentences and paragraphs. Summarize what you have read periodically to check your comprehension.

3. 如何培養英文詞彙量?

  • Answer: Use a dictionary or online resources to look up unfamiliar words. Study word roots, prefixes, and suffixes to expand your vocabulary. Read diverse texts and materials to encounter new words.

4. 理解英文文法結構有哪些技巧?

  • Answer: Familiarize yourself with different sentence types, tenses, and voices. Analyze the structure of complex sentences to identify their components (subject, verb, object). Practice rewriting sentences in different forms.

5. 如何處理英文原文書中的文化差異?

  • Answer: Understand the cultural context of the text. Consider how cultural differences may influence language use. Adapt cultural concepts and expressions appropriately for your target audience.

6. 翻譯英文原文書時需要注意什麼?

  • Answer: Aim for accuracy and faithfulness to the original meaning. Use similar sentence structures and grammar. Avoid literal translations and adapt idioms and cultural references for your target audience.


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