
Welcome to Taiwan, a beautiful and diverse island nation located in East Asia. Taiwan is renowned for its stunning natural scenery, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine. In addition to its natural beauty, Taiwan is also home to a rich and fascinating history, with influences from both China and Japan.

One of the things that makes Taiwan unique is its diverse population. In addition to the majority Han Chinese population, Taiwan is also home to 16 officially recognized indigenous groups, each with its own unique language, culture, and traditions. The indigenous peoples of Taiwan have a long and proud history, and their culture continues to play an important role in Taiwanese society today.

Another thing that makes Taiwan special is its language. While the official language of Taiwan is Mandarin Chinese, many people also speak Taiwanese Hokkien, a dialect of Southern Min Chinese. Taiwanese Hokkien is widely spoken in Taiwan, and it is an important part of Taiwanese culture.

If you are planning to visit Taiwan, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of both Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Hokkien. However, even if you don't speak any Chinese, you will still be able to get by in Taiwan. Many Taiwanese people speak English, and there are English signs and menus available in most tourist areas.

To help you make the most of your trip to Taiwan, we have put together this guide to the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, the Taiwanese Hokkien language, and some basic English phrases that will be helpful to know.

Whether you are interested in exploring Taiwan's natural beauty, learning about its rich culture, or simply enjoying its delicious food, we hope that this guide will help you have a wonderful and memorable experience.


1. 臺灣原住民族群簡介

1. 臺灣原住民族群簡介

臺灣擁有 16 個官方認定的原住民族群,每個族群都有其獨特的語言、文化和傳統。


  • 阿美族 (Amis):臺灣最大的原住民族群,居住在東海岸。
  • 泰雅族 (Atayal):居住在山區,以其傳統狩獵技能聞名。
  • 布農族 (Bunun):居住在中部山區,以其精緻的編織工藝而聞名。
  • 排灣族 (Paiwan):居住在南部,以其複雜的社會結構和傳統慶典而聞名。
  • 魯凱族 (Rukai):居住在南部山區,以其獨特的多聲部音樂而聞名。






根據 2022 年的統計,臺灣原住民人口約為 57 萬人,約佔總人口的 2.3%。




族群 人口 (2022) 主要居住地區
阿美族 20 萬 東海岸
泰雅族 9 萬 山區
布農族 5 萬 中部山區
排灣族 9 萬 南部
魯凱族 1 萬 南部山區

2. 臺灣台語

2. 臺灣台語

台語(又稱「臺灣話」或「閩南語」)是一種漢語方言,由福建省南部和廣東省東部移民帶到臺灣。它是臺灣第二大語言,約有 70% 的臺灣人會講台語。


  • 聲調豐富:台語有 8 個聲調,比國語的 4 個聲調多。
  • 词汇独特:台語有許多獨特的詞彙,與國語不同。
  • 文法簡潔:台語的文法比國語簡單,沒有複雜的時態或語法結構。







  • 您好:Lí hó
  • 謝謝:Cá-m sia
  • 不客氣:Bē-客气
  • 對不起:Gōa beh sìn-tshián
  • 我不會說台語:Gōa m̄-tsai kóng Tâi-gí


英文 台語 發音
Hello Lí hó Lí hó
Thank you Cá-m sia Cá-m sia
You're welcome Bē-客气 Bē-khì-khì
Excuse me Gōa beh sìn-tshián Gōa beh sìn-tshián
I don't speak Taiwanese Gōa m̄-tsai kóng Tâi-gí Gōa m̄-tsai kóng Tâi-gí

3. 臺灣英語說法指南

3. 臺灣英語說法指南



  • 帶有臺灣腔:臺灣人的英語通常帶有明顯的臺灣腔,這可能是由於母語影響造成的。
  • 使用中式英語:臺灣人有時會使用中式英語,即使用漢語語法和詞彙說英語。
  • 簡化發音:臺灣人可能簡化某些英語單字的發音,例如將「thank you」發音為「tan kiu」。





  • 使用敬語:與長輩或陌生人交談時,請使用敬語。
  • 避免大聲喧嘩:臺灣人一般不喜歡大聲喧嘩。
  • 尊重臺灣文化:對臺灣文化和習俗保持尊重。


情境 常見說法
打招呼 Hello / Hi
道謝 Thank you
不客氣 You're welcome
對不起 Excuse me / I'm sorry
我不會說英語 I don't speak English
我來自美國 I'm from the United States
請問廁所在哪裡? Where is the bathroom?
這個多少錢? How much is this?


  • 學習一些基本的中文短語:學習一些基本的中文短語,例如「你好」和「謝謝」,可以幫助你與不會說英語的臺灣人溝通。
  • 使用翻譯應用程式:可以使用翻譯應用程式來幫助你翻譯中文標誌和菜單。
  • 要有耐心:不要氣餒,如果你的英語沒有被理解。耐心溝通,並試著使用不同的表達方式。


In this guide, we have provided a brief overview of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, the Taiwanese Hokkien language, and some basic English phrases that will be helpful to know when traveling in Taiwan.

We hope that this guide has been helpful and that you have learned something new about Taiwan. If you are planning to visit Taiwan, we encourage you to learn a few basic Mandarin Chinese or Taiwanese Hokkien phrases. Even a few simple phrases can go a long way in helping you connect with the local people and experience the true culture of Taiwan.

Here are a few additional tips for travelers to Taiwan:

  • Be respectful of Taiwanese culture and customs.
  • Learn a few basic Mandarin Chinese or Taiwanese Hokkien phrases.
  • Be prepared for some culture shock.
  • Be open to new experiences.
  • Have fun!

We hope that you have a wonderful and memorable trip to Taiwan!

Additional English phrases that may be helpful:

  • Excuse me: Excuse me
  • Do you speak English?: Do you speak English?
  • I don't understand: I don't understand
  • Can you help me?: Can you help me?
  • Thank you for your help: Thank you for your help
  • Have a nice day: Have a nice day

We hope this guide has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.



1. What is the official language of Taiwan? The official language of Taiwan is Mandarin Chinese.

2. What other languages are spoken in Taiwan? In addition to Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese Hokkien is also widely spoken in Taiwan. Many people also speak Hakka and other indigenous languages.

3. Are there any indigenous peoples in Taiwan? Yes, there are 16 officially recognized indigenous groups in Taiwan, each with its own unique language, culture, and traditions.

4. What is the currency of Taiwan? The currency of Taiwan is the New Taiwan Dollar (TWD).

5. What is the time zone in Taiwan? Taiwan is in the Taipei Standard Time (CST) zone, which is 8 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

6. What is the climate like in Taiwan? Taiwan has a subtropical climate, with hot and humid summers and mild winters.

7. What are some popular tourist destinations in Taiwan? Some popular tourist destinations in Taiwan include Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Tainan, and Hualien.

8. What is the food like in Taiwan? Taiwanese cuisine is known for its delicious and diverse flavors. Some popular dishes include beef noodle soup, oyster omelet, stinky tofu, and bubble tea.

9. Is it safe to travel to Taiwan? Yes, Taiwan is a very safe country to travel to. The crime rate is low, and the people are friendly and welcoming.

10. What are some tips for travelers to Taiwan? Here are a few tips for travelers to Taiwan:

  • Learn a few basic Mandarin Chinese or Taiwanese Hokkien phrases.
  • Be respectful of Taiwanese culture and customs.
  • Be prepared for some culture shock.
  • Be open to new experiences.
  • Have fun!


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